After completing Dead Space, I return to the conundrum that is choosing my next game to concentrate on. With a backlog of over thirty games, this gets difficult. So I address my backlog and e-friends to help me make my decision.
Bully: Scholarship Edition - I don't want to start this
Red Steel - I've already started this one; maybe
Super Mario Galaxy - don't feel like it
Arx Fatalis - too old and long to start now
Command & Conquer: Generals - maybe
Deus Ex: Invisible War- maybe, but I'd have to re-download it from D2D
Dreamfall: The Longest Journey - don't want to play until I finish the original
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - too long to start when I'm going to reinstall Win7 upon release
Fallout 2 - not enjoying it as much as the original
Fallout 3 - don't want to play it until I finish Fallout 2
Icewind Dale II - maybe
Indigo Prophecy - already begun, maybe
The Longest Journey - too weird to continue right now
Mirror's Edge - I'm almost done with this, but maybe still a little bored with it
Neverwinter Nights - do I even have my saved games?
Planescape Torment - too long to begin now
Prince of Persia - not in the mood
Sacred - already begun on my laptop, not too compelling yet
Sam & Max Season 1 - maybe
Spellforce 2 - already begun, and haven't decided if I like it or not
Syberia - I've tried playing this numerous times and have never completed it
Greyhawk: The Temple of Elemental Evil - too long to start now
Black - meh
Ninja Gaiden Black - so difficult
Psychonauts - I'd have to redownload it from XBL
Alone in the Dark - I'd rather finish Condemned 2 first
Assasin's Creed - too long
Condemned 2 - I just started this. It's pretty good so far
Dead Rising - maybe
Halo Wars - I'm almost done with this game, but it's temporarily lost its appeal
Lego Indiana Jones - I play with Maura
Lost Planet - almost done with this game too, but it's temporarily lost its appeal
Ninja Gaiden II - don't want to play until I beat the first one
Prince of Persia XBLA - meh
Tomb Raider: Anniversary - meh
So, I guess it's down to the underlined games
- Red Steel
- Command & Conquer: Generals
- Deus Ex: Invisible War
- Icewind Dale II
- Indigo Prophecy
- Neverwinter Nights
- Sam & Max Season 1
- Spellforce 2
- Condemned 2
- Dead Rising
Any of these particular games I should begin/continue playing?