If you're anything like me, you are exceptionally spoiled in that you own multiple video games that you may not have completed, or even started. So my questions is: how do you decide what game to play next? What draws you to choosing that game?
For a few years, I've realized I am very visually drawn to the icon art, (previously) box art, and perhaps screenshots when it comes to choosing which game to play next. Sometimes I stare at my desktop and see a slew of great games I have yet to really begin: Company of Heroes, Dead Space 2, Crysis 2, etc. Instead, I keep coming back to the same games (currenly Planetside 2 and Elemental: Fallen Enchantress).
I have even tried to sort my game titles in a spreadsheet, wherein each column lists a "type" of game, such as "fun for 15-20 minutes," "will take hours," etc.