House Hunting
The quest fora home continues. With our old favorite gone, we are officially moving on to our number two wish. It's not quite as much space as our number one pick, but then again, we didn't need that much room to begin with.
This house has an interesting story (well, at least to us): the owners have had it on the market for over a year, and they expect to sell it at a high price; a price that is well above the local average for a house such as this. We may make an offer soon, but we don't know if the owners will bite, or if they're going to laugh at our lower-than-expected offer.
Master's Degree
I am officially beginning week three of my Master's Degree program. The amount of work is not as bad as I pictured it, but the time commitment is. I knew the amount of reading would be high, but I didn't expect it to take this much time. I feel bad; my daughters and wife are already proclaiming they miss me, and I have only begun my program. I hope they can hold out for a year and a half. I think it helps that Ischedule time to be with them every day, but I also know that it's not the same as it was.
Granted I'm busy, but I'm not too busy to sneak in 45 minutes of gaming at the end of every evening. After finishing Crysis, I've moved on to the final installment of the last "Prince of Persia" trilogy. Actually, I've only recently moved on toplaying it, as I spent the first few nights wrestling to get the game to work with the standard Xbox 360/Games for Windows control pad. I swear, this is the kind of **** that console gamers rightly complain about.
So far, the game is good, but not quite as good as "Warrior Within" or even the beloved first installment "Sands of Time." I mean, it's not bad, but I'm already looking over my pile of shame to determine which game I'll tackle next.