The house hunting continues, as I freak out. What if we don't find the perfect house? What if we find the perfect house, only to get out-bid? What if we find the perfect house, but don't realize it's the perfect house?
I'm trying to just regulate myself to finding a good house, and not worry about "perfect." I mean, as I've seen so far, no house has been "perfect." The houses are either perfect, but in a sub-par neighborhood, or the other way around. A few are good in both categories. Now I just hope that we can eliminate all of the others on our must-look-at list (or find a better candidate) soon.
Work is good. Like I said in my greeting, only 30 days or so to go, and most weeks are either shortened, or adjacent to a week that is.
I start school in two weeks. This will be the fourth time I've attended college, and you'd think I'd be over the minor jitters by now. I'm sure I'll be fine. Hell, I found out a teacher at my old school will be taking the same program as me.
This weekend is busy, and I hate that. I had fun taking Phebe to her school's spring social day, but there is a girl scout outing today, Maura has a baby shower to attend, and I'm sure that there's something else scheduled that I haven't been informed of (or more likely, I have been informed, and I've forgotten).
I'm still having gaming ADD, as you can see from below my greeting and desktop picture. I think the game I'm enjoying the most is "Evil Genius," yet the gameplay (like "Neverwinter Nights") is SO SLOW. I wish there was a mod to speed it up.