On Friday, I decided that I needed to celebrate the return of our Xbox 360 with a single player game... or at least, something other than "Rock Band." I've been curious about jumping into Assassin's Creed, with the mixed reviews that it received.
Whatever. After an hour of playing on Friday, and then another two to three hours playing this afternoon, I started to really dig this game. It's a collector's dream. Normally, I'm not that much of an Achievement Points whore, but I love to get those tied with collecting items. While in the recent "Tomb Raider" games this meant picking up little 5-8 statues per map, this game has me picking up 20 flags in my first map and 100 in the second. Add that to the achievement for climbing every large tower in the game's world (which is just plain cool to do on its own), and I'm starting to salivate.
Then I moved to the first game of the series "Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People," or SBCG4AP as it is sometimes called. I think I began this game about 3-4 weeks ago and enjoyed it, but never really felt like I was in the right mood for a humorous adventure game until tonight. After my wife went to bed, I fired this puppy up, and completed it within about 3 hours.
I'm currently downloading episode 2 through STEAM (already purchased post-Christmas as a gift), and will probably start that within the next week. Then again, with my recent gaming ADD, who knows.