That's right, I'm tired of numbering my random updates. So now I DATE THEM!!! They're very nice; always offering to go Dutch.
Our favorite house (you know, the one that was on the market, off the market, back on the market, and then off the market all in a few days?) is back on the market, and we may be putting an offer in. The house is gorgous, and even the mold in the basement is... wait a minute. That's right, there's mold from a recent flood (we had 5-6 of torrential downpours a month ago) in the basement, and now there's mold growing.
We like the house, and the only way to be sure it can be cleaned and that it's not toxic is to get it inspected. And before you ask, yes, it's worth it to get it inspected. The house is that full of awesome.
I'm not currently playing Resident Evil 2 (GC/Wii), Prince of Persia 3 (PC), DiabloII (PC) and Dead Space (PC). They are slow with bad graphics but fun, fun but challenging (even on "Easy"), fun but dated, and scary... respectively.
The 1up and Gamespot boards have been D-E-D. Somebody, please, do or say something entertaining.