So, I finally got around my new-DVD-drive-or-old-DVD-drives-won't-read-ONLY-the-"Tiberian Sun"-portion-of-my-DVD problem. :evil:
I downloaded (something that I never advocate, but I was staring at my paid-for liscense code, so I'll let it go and be a hypocrite this once) the game and used my (again, paid-for) liscense code to install the game on my hard drive. :oops:
Then, it was decision time. As I've mentioned before, I'm a big advocate of playing games on "easy" when you're only trying to soak in the storyline or experience (like with prequals that I missed the first time around). Last time, I had played up until the last battle. So, do I set the game at medium and beat it, or do I tell myself that I've already accomplished this, set the game to easy, and blow through the game quickly.
I chose the latter.
Since then, I've put in about 1-3 hours per night. I'm currently on mission 11 of 12, and should be finished by the end of the week.
Man, the **** that I go through for PC gaming sometimes. :?