Two weeks ago my 360 red ringed, I told my brother to ring the GAME helpline since he purchased it from them and it turns out they need a policy number.
I was fuming but not at the policy number, thats easy, he didnt have it and had to ring the shop for them to send it out, again no probs there, what did have me angry was him phoning the helpline five minutes before he had to set off for collage thinking he would settle this and give details in five minutes.
I found it out when he phoned the helpline and when asked he said he didn't have a policy number and hung up, Ihad a reciept thinking it may help and told him it might be on there, he goes "Ive got to be at collage now." He two days off but did **** all andhas repeatedly failed to phone up about the policy number not arriving now that I picked up Left 4 Dead 2 he's **** about not having a 360, well who's fault is that.