Ganados0 / Member

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Entry Fourteen: Sony and Microsoft have poisened this biz.

The gaming media hasprobably beencorrupted by Sony, every bit of news regarding Wii is met with insultingly brainless reactions. Take for example The Conduit suddenly it "looks generic", thats every 360/PS3 game I ever saw and played and yet on Wii it's generic and generic is now a bad thing.

I strongly believe IGN has beenseized too, the Nintendo team have been making clearly biased and ignorant articles such as 'Nintendo is lazy and you dont care' and some worthless **** about Splosion Man being better then New Super Mario Bros Wii "because it has more levels" at Gamespot one poster shown a graph displaying IGN getting about half the hits they did in 2008 so there may be another motivation there.

Maybe developers have been hit too, could there really be fanboy developers pro 360/PS3 or are there incentives for publishers to push hopelessly unappealing crap on Wii most likely both.

Remember back in the N64 day out of the blue gamers began calling Nintendo kiddy and went on and on about the N64 having no good games and so on? Total bull****. This is all Sony's doing.

I know it all sounds nuts but Sony have been foiled in other businesses for corrupting opinion such asinventing David Manning, a fictional reviewer, to promote their movies and tweaking Halo stuff on Wikipedia a few times.