Yesterday, me and the fam went to this huge flea market to look for some cool stuff to buy. Lucky for me I was able to find a bunch of N64 games (Turok2 being one of them) for $5 a pop. Nothing really big to choose from (which is why I think the VC comes in handy every once in a while).
It gets better for me, the game place also hadNES's, SNES's, games for 'em, and Wii games for cheap as well. The flea markets we used to go to before this one never had this widea selection.
Then.. best of all, I was able to find a Dreamcast for $30. That was the icing on the cake for me :D
I never thought I'd have another chance to play that thing. Yep, it's been an awesome day 8)
Now I just have to see if they have more games for 'em later.
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