I'm not a fan of their ending but it nowhere nears bad, perhaps next time the team should consider review a game with the ending taking into consideration, giving a 10 and publishing a bad ending article next will not make you guys look good..
Yeah I clearly understand that, the word 'Remake' caught me off guard some time back thinking it is a 1-to-1 original expanded version, the final part where Zack was shown really angers me but I guess it is what it is, I forced myself to be open minded and where the true ending leads us :( though I do enjoy the overall game
Personal opinions after watching the review, completing both Normal/Hard modes (85 hours), reading almost everyone's comments,
1. 10 = Essential, doesn't mean it is without flaws, it only means gameplay/graphic etc. outweighs every flaw he can find, stop tormenting Tamoor the poor guy, he's playing with his opinions, you guys can choose not to listen to him
2. I doubt Tamoor can post the review without his direct supervisors' approval too, he needs to justify his scoring
3. The game may not deserve the word 'Garbage', 'Trash' because overall gameplay was fluid, combat was exciting, graphic is totally awesome, OST is breathtaking as usual, not to mention the details they put in for each character
4. Some side quests may be a bit too forcefully created and of course concerns over ending. I'm not sure where Nomura gets his obsession in alternate dimensions/timeline thingy but let's have a little faith that he can pull it off for this game
5. Remake is not remaster, there has been articles from the developers quite some time ago, hence if you are a purist you may as well continue the loop in the original and stop judging Remake, I would say it is unfair in that sense
My final verdict, 9/10 as I still have reservations over the conclusion, it may make some sense after watching numerous fans theories but.. I just hope Nomura.. please don't screw up the next instalment
u guys are doing a great wasting time on graphics...duh...i'm fed up with this already and i'm totally agree to PSFreak 1..these guys are just bias IMO
Garudo's comments