Why must Wario fail me so, after abstaining from his one true genre for so long? Wario: Master of Disguise has received rather mediocre reviews and although the notion may seem somewhat naive all things considering, it has dissipated my desire for the game. Although the age old philosophy regarding video games states that one must play a game before passing final judgment, I am heavily inclined to just side with the reviews on this one. They usually are correct and it would seem rather ludicrous for all those critics to be off and feature such a difference to what the actual quality of the final product is.

With that said, the next game to garner some interest from this individual is The Godfather: The Blackhand Edition for the Wii. Thanks to a recent discovery of the sheer quality of certain Mafia inspired films, (The Godfather Parts One and Two) I daresay I may have gained a slight interest in such organized crime..... from an artistic perspective of course. As fate would have it, a game focused on such a topic is soon to be released for the Wii. Judging by the renditions of the game for other systems, the game definitely has the potential to be an enjoyable experience. Hopefully it won't end up breaking my heart as a certain other game did. All this has put me in the mood for oranges.