Well the future is here, although it sure does feel rather familiar with little dramatic changes. Personally, I was hoping for a lot more neon lights to make a presence this year. Of course, its still early in the game so to speak, but the lack of neon lights so far is rather off putting when one is hoping for a large amount of neon lights in 2007. At any rate, this year feels like 2002 with a dash of 2005. Oddly enough, 2 and 5=7, so take that as you will. 2006 seemed to be a lot like 2003, so this is not the first occurrence of a year seeming rather familiar. I have recently rediscovered Cherry Sours however, allowing this whole business of reminiscent years to be taken much easily. They truly are a delicious snack and even factored prominently within my Thursday, which had a large focus on cherries for some reason. Cherry Sours are by no means cherries however, they are a rather sour candy, yet the name cannot be for naught....
Getting to things actually video game related, GameSpot's recent review of WarioWare: Smooth Moves is rather odd. It seems as if GameSpot is trying to win back Wii fans and perhaps make up for the Twilight Princess review. Although this may cause some Wii fans to sway back to GameSpot, the Zelda community has been absolutely ravaged after the review. Really, Only the Legend of Zelda Union and the Twilight Princess Union have truly survived, which can be attributed to their sheer size. Now, the review is not the end all cause, but it did at least factor into the banning of many Zelda fans who were less then pleased with the review, or at least that is what I assume. Others have left the site for greener grass on the other side of the field so to speak. Its quite a shame that people such as Link_Soul have now left GameSpot, willingly or not.
Well, on the bright side, I made another music video, although I'm not sure if too many people will like it. Its the sort of video that I really enjoy along with the music, but I can have rather odd taste at select times, at least when compared to the general population. It was still fun to experiment with a lot of the effects that Window's Movie Maker offers.
Alas, exams for first semester are quickly approaching and I have projects due soon. Sigh.
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