Walking back towards the town, a cutscene begins where Elzo explains exactly what happened. You know, Vaati taking the Minish Cap, searching for the light force (probably the tri force) ya-da ya-da. At any rate, Leon was then confronted with Vaati himself who created a fiendish trap to ensnare the brave hero.
Encircled within a rock barrier, two vile monsters appeared in front of the grand hero. They snarled and charged automatically at Leon, hoping to cause some grievous injury. Fortunately, their spears connected with the cold hard rocks as Leon circled behind them. They gave a stupid grunt of surprise, yet their reaction was painfully quick as a spear sailed over Leon's head. Feeling the violent distortion in air, it was quite obvious the brutes strength was not to be sneered. The other beast charged again, resulting in another miss. Leon had rolled out of the way as the beast had raged forth. Unfortunately, The other charged at Leon as he came out of his roll, slamming him against the rock. It had been a shoulder charge and the monster now pined Leon to the rock with his massive hairy arm which preceded to grab Leon's throat. Luckily, it wasn't for nothing that a sword was in the hero's hand. Leon drove the keen blade into the the arm that had him gasping for air. The monster recoiled with a thunderous yelp followed by a mighty bellow from its companion signaling a charge. Leon ducked and allowed the beast's movement to drive the sword he had extend outward in to its belly, tearing flesh and sending sprays of... err maybe I exaggerated a bit...
At any rate, the Moblins were defeated and I set off to the town, fused some more kinstones, and made for Castor Wilds. Upon the journey, I met a poet who needed to fuse kinstones which I immediately did. I then continued the journey and finally arrived at the swamp. (On the way, there was a cut scene where Vaati gained control of the king and ordered all guards to hunt for the light force.) Well, the swamp caused Leon to sink to fast and I now need to attain the Pegasus boots.
I walk (well roll) all the way back, talk with Master Smith, do the whole heal the guy from the evil spirit thing to gain a gift later, and I went to the shoe store, err... shoe tailor. The guy fell asleep, I talked with some Minish, and now I have to find some "magic mushrooms". Just another day in Hyrule...