Looking out upon the lake that had regained its lost water was Sheik. He spoke of how Ruto and I had destroyed the curse upon the lake set by the boss of the Water Temple and had brought peace. (How exactly did Ruto help? Last time I checked, she disappeared after the first encounter and left all the fighting to me.) Sheik then left me (in a rather cool scene indeed) and I was left alone atop the entrance to the Water Temple looking out upon the beautiful rising sun.
It then came to me as I stood watching the sun. The inscription that stood inches away glared within my mind as I drew an arrow and let fly at the great ball of flame that provided light for all the land. Although it was not really logical, it turned out to be rather beneficial for Gary now attained fire arrows due to this action. I then turned back to that village at the base of Death Mountain, where I would no doubt have to deal with some sort of vast unpleasant event brought upon by Ganon.
Sure enough, upon reaching the village, I realized that it was set ablaze. (Perhaps shooting the sun with an arrow was not the bright idea I had thought it to be) Ether way, Gary headed toward the well where surprise, surprise, Sheik stood focused upon the well. It appeared though, that he was not that focused upon the well in question, for he knew I was behind him. His advice of standing back only increased my dread. Thus, begins one of the coolest cut scenes in the game. The well first burst open (Or at least the overhanging wood did) and Sheik was tossed around some invisible force. A darkness then erupted from the well and after circulating the village, charged through Gary like a knife through water, or is it a knife through butter? Or maybe it has to do with cutting, what ever. The point is, the evil blasted through/by Gary and headed off in the direction of the Shadow Temple I would presume. Gary wakes up a bit later to discover that the fires have subsided and Sheik gives another of his trademark awesome speeches this time about how Gary would have to venture into a darkness that even swallows time. He then teaches a teleporting song and leaves, urging me to head to the Shadow Temple. Before that though, I would need to revert back to my ten year old self and pay a visit to the windmill guy…
Awhile back I had realized that I had taught the Song of Storms to the windmill guy who would go on to teach it to my future self. I needed to complete this cycle and so I did, causing the well, yes the very same well that unleashes the evil that I just faced, or should I say will face…. Err yeah.. Anyways, the well dried up, allowing me to enter the Bottom of the Well. Upon the other side of the entrance, one is first met by a corpse rotting by an invisible wall. (Great) As one continues through the dungeon, one will meet more corpses, Skullatulas, Redeads, Keese, more Redeads, Gibidos (mummified Redeads), Wallmasters, and did I mention Redeads? (Alrighty, maybe not that many Redeads, but that’s not the matter at hand. How can the people of the village drink the water from this well? I mean, its surly not hygienic to start…) The boss was Dead Hand, a weird corpse…. Thing, basically. The prize of all this mayhem? The legendary and magical Lens of Truth. An item that reveals the truth. (Gee, I never would have guessed that!)
Now, I ventured back to the future and used the song Sheik taught me to arrive at the entrance to the Shadow Temple. To open the doorway to this unwholesome place, I stood in the middle of the room and used Dins Fire to light the torches. I then entered shadowy darkness where I met a similar atmosphere to that of the well, except now I had the Lens of Truth, which would reveal what was real and what was not. (Plus, I was an adult now and nothing could stand against the might of the Biggoron sword) The mini boss came fairly early within the dungeon and it was a rematch with a friend from the past, Dead Hand. He seemed easier this time, and yielded the Hover Boots. With this item in tow, I continued into the dark and reached the boss after quite an adventure, Bongo-Bongo. The boss acquired quite a few hits in before I got in my own. He even knocked me a rather large distance at the beginning of the battle causing me to fall of the drum and take some damage as I rushed to get back on. In the end though, the beast was no match for the combination of my Lens of Truth, Bow and Arrows, and the Biggoron sword, That was the end of that and I rescued the spirit of Impa, the Sage of Shadow and past caretaker of Zelda.