I need to take a moment to explain my frustration to as many people, that care to listen.
Right now the current generation that is in office is known as the "Baby Boom-ers". Unaware to most people of this generation but they have another name as well, The "Me" generation. Before almost every generation was considered smarter than the previous. Unfortunately though this trend changed when the "Me" generation began to take its hold.
The "Me" generation is known as the most selfish generation to date and this has unfortunately affected our entire way of living in this country. Has anyone noticed that almost no one takes responsibility for their actions any more. Our education system is in shambles and everyone is saying "Our children are just out of control!". The thing that I find odd is that we blame our children for being lazy and helpless and useless but who taught them? Oh wait, could that be their parents?!
I'm an ad-vid gamer and I can't take hearing how much the industry is "corrupting our youth". I work for a youth soccer league and if what I see has any correlation to how much attention parents pay to their children then our world is in for a surprise when something other than video games become the scape goat for blame. For Example, I had a child walk up to us at our concessions area to buy a drink and some candy. I looked at this child's shirt and asked how old she was, to which she replied "Nine!". I then shook my head in disgust at this little girl whose shirt was decorated with a sequined play boy bunny on it. I couldn't believe my eyes. Another time I was walking through a toy store and saw a "Baby Bratz" doll. I was shocked that this "BABY" was wearing a pink teddy and undoing the string while gazing with a sensual look in her eyes! So why aren't the republican's rallying against the toy companies and trying to regulate the content in which dolls that represent minors display? Because people fear what they do not understand.
History truly does repeat it self. Just look at all the previous generations. Radios were ruining peoples lives, tv was destroying families, rock music was the devils tool, etc, etc, etc. There are so many people saying that because of video games people are becoming increasingly more violent. Good old "Me" generation decision makers can't figure out these complicated "hooligags" so it must be evil, or bad. This trend has never stopped and unfortunately won't. Was there violence during the 90's? or 80's? Well if you count the Jefferey Dommer murders, or maybe the O.J. Simpson case. What about the 70's? or the 60's? I think there might have been a little incident where a man speaking about piece and understanding between races was shot and killed. What about when that guy, um what was his name? Oh yeah John F Kennedy! What did they do to him? They didn't give him a basket of Puppies and Butterflies I can guarantee you that. Even look at times before we settled this land. I seem to remember that there were a whole lot of people killing other people in the name of God and murdering thousands. So why aren't we banning the God that had his assains kill leagues of people rather than videogames that have supposedly killed maybe a dozen people max? (If video games are even at fault. What happend to "Guns don't kill people. I do."?)
So what should be done about all this? I think that parents should pay attention to what their kids are doing. At my job we ask parents to volunteer to coach their kids team. We do not how ever ask that they TEACH them anything. They can have the kids run around and kick a ball at a wall for forty five minutes and we would be happy. We teach soccer to the kids before their games so whats the big deal? Apparently it means a lot. I can't even begin to say how horrible it makes me feel that we are almost being used as a baby sitting service. So if they use us for that, whats to stop them from using other things as something to keep them from having to pay attention to their children? NOTHING. Like I said the "Me" generation taught their kids that they didn't have to pay attention to their kids, how? By not paying attention to them! Thats how.
By a show of hands (hypothetical) how many of you out there have spent more than five quality time with your children? Not taking to their school, or having them sit at the dinner table in silence. QUALITY time. Probably less than you should.
I can't wait to have children because I am going to do everything in my power to teach them that I love them, and they can come to me with their problems. I know kids rebel but it can be done. Your kids CAN respect you, and you CAN teach them that there are other solutions to life's issues than shooting up your class mates. I see video games as a blessing. I can't wait to sit at home with my kiddos and play games with them. I can't wait to share a love of something with them so that way we have opportunities to bond. I can't wait to play co-op missions and help my kid get past level five. I can't wait. To prove the "Me" Generation wrong. I can't wait to show them that they are just being like their parents were, and over reacting to something that will eventually end up being considered "classic". I just hope that I'm strong enough to not let history repeat in my life. I can't wait.
I leave you all with one final example of why I'm so worried about people being crappy parents more than I am of kids looking at some boobs or killing zombies. I used to manage a Game Stop. I had a parent, (Middle aged upper class white male) hand me a copy of "GTA: San Andreas". I began open my mouth to warn him that it was a mature rated game and he interrupted me " I know its a mature game and we are aware of the content". I Shrugged and figured that if this guy really thought that his eight year old could handle it then who am I to convince him otherwise. Right then a younger thuggy looking kid got in line behind them and said a few four letter words. Before I could ask him to be polite and respect the families in the store, the man buying his elementary school kid a new shiny "Murder Simulator" started yelling at the kid behind him, "Would you mind not dropping the F-BOMB please! Its kind of offensive!" I just shook my head and laughed. Guess he doesn't mind F-bombs dropping if he paid fifty dollars for them but he ain't gonna take that crap for free. Humans. We have always been crappy. Always will be, unless we go out of our way to teach our children not to repeat the past and to teach their children and so on.
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