Well, I'm bored in work and thought 'what the hell, i'll start a blog' so here it is.
First off, I've been playing computer games since the ripe old age of 3. Mike Reeds Computer Pop Quiz and a side scrolling Batman adventure on the C64 where among the first games I played and I aint stopped since. I own a Master System, Megadrive, 32X (ick), Gamecube, N64, PS2 and a DS. I'm sure my C64 is still floating around somewhere as well. Next one i'm after is the Wii.
What can i say, i'm a fan.
As well as doing that stuff i've been collecting and playing Warhammer 40k for about 4 months now and i'm just starting out on my second army. For those of you that are interested I've got a 3k Blood Angels army and a 1,400 point Nid army.
I'm married, no kids (yet) and for work I crunch numbers for a local Accountants office.
Now you know me, i'll keep this thing up to date as best I can. That is, in between games, married life, Warhammer, work and watching LFC underperform against crap teams (Blackburn Rovers anyone?) :(
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