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Let's Play: Everything!

Oh god... a crazy idea has entered my head and I can't make it leave:

Play everything in my collection in alphabetical order.

I don't want to do it. I'm not sure I CAN do it, but the voices in my head won't stop.

So, at some undetermined time, I'll go through each game playing it as much as I can.

I reserve the right to skip games I've played a ton of already, or games that I've played recently and are fresh in my mind. But generally, I'll do the best I can to get through them.

I don't have the energy to start now, but soon... very soon.

Resident Evil 5 Racist?

Stop, stop, STOP!!

I can't even read about this it makes me so angry.

Listen, Resident Evil's been around for a long time, and CAPCOM is trying to avoid having the same ol' zombies in another "been there, done that" game. When I see someone claiming that it's teaching young adults and children to fear, hate and destroy black people it makes me want to punch a wall. I'm tired of everyone trying to find deeper meaning in everything. It's a FREAKING ZOMBIE GAME! Was Peter Jackson racist when he made King Kong? Was it Jackson's intention to insinuate that all black people are creepy voodoo savages?!

It's a game. End of story. There's no racist sub-text to it. It's just what it is. A game.

Now I need a cold shower...