Just when I was tricked into thinking 2013 had gotten off to a good start, I got punched in the teeth, and kicked in the balls.
NOTE: Not in reality, just hypothetically.
As 2012 came to a close I was in some really good discussion with management at my company about the reasons why I was not going to get paid any sales commissions that I earned during the year. I really thought they saw the light on their thought process, and where they made critical mistakes in the interpreation of my sales plan. As we crossed the date line into 2013 I was told "We see your point, and will go back and review everyting"
Today I was told I would not be getting nearly $14k in sales commission from last year, with no real explination as to why. It is what it is and I have to move on, get over it, so I am told. And, my sales plan for 2013 will be coming to me "sometime in the near future"...... LMAO...
Also.... ahhhhh never mind.