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Entry Thirteen: Annex'd and Worst. WWE Raw. Moment. EVAR!

Here is a tragedy. I watch WWE Raw tonight, that is a Professional Wrestling show. And as we all should know, wrestling is fake and scripted with soap-opera-esque storylines. Tonight, it got real.....insulting. Earlier this year, the wrestler Matt Hardy was fired. This was because he commented on his website about how his real-life girlfriend Lita(real name: Amy Dumas) had an affair with Edge(real name: Adam Copeland). The WWE(World Wrestling Entertainment) fired Matt for this. Then, the WWE made a storyline where Lita cheated on her "husband" Kane, with Edge. Now, this was blatantly a shot at Matt Hardy. But tonight, Edge and Lita were "married". During the ceremony, Matt's movie and entrance video played, suggesting that him being fired was part of the story, a work. But no. The WWE has been insulting the poor man for a good 3 months now, and they mock the fans by faking his return. Nothing. WWE can go to hell.
Note: I am a big fan of Matt Hardy and his brother Jeff. They are actually from North Carolina, like myself.

In Imperial Glory today, I had a 3 year war with Moldavia and Lombardy. I decimated Lombardy early on, but Moldavia got support from Mother Russia. I signed a painful Peace Treaty with Russia, then mauled Moldavia. I destroyed their army with 4 units of Hungarian Hussars. So, the Moldavians got HUSSAR'D!

I had BBQ Chicken for supper.