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General_Hyrule Blog

Jazz, Snow, Family - Oh My!

Hey guys, I've been inactive recently due to: Jazz band performances on weekends, snowed in at my house and away from the computer, and my aunt being ill and staying with us. I will try to get on more but I don't know if I can as much as once a week, it may come to once every two and there may be times when I get on a full weekend. I won't know until it happens so sorry if I disappear for a time.

And now I'm being beckoned off for a time and so I can't discuss anything further, but I hope you all have a decent winter. Take care~


Basically the topic alludes to the mythical bird who is reborn in the ashes as the result of his own combustion...


I've found I have had more time on the computer as of late so I'm going to try to get back on. No guarantees, because I'm swamped in school, being my junior year, and I have a life (mostly band..) and a very amazing girlfriend who I love to spend time with. I'm usually on only on the weekends too, but it should be better than nothing.

For those who remember me, I'm sorry for being gone so long. I would say it's not my fault, but that doesn't mean I didn't wish to come back sometimes.

For those who have forgotten me...well then maybe we'll have to catch up ;).

I'm currently kinda pissed that I'm STILL Level 20 (I didn't expect to be higher...but that means I've still got level 21 to suffer through). My designing days are infrequent, so don't ask me for anything because I don't have the skill or time.

Also, I've changed in video game preferences as of late. I'm still a Nintendo Fanatic, but I currently own (as my other consoles have conspired and all committed suicide :( ) only an Xbox 360 which I love. Microsoft has become my favorite company for NEW games, while my past favorites are still in my heart as Nintendo classics.

I may, in fact, be quitting a lot of guilds/unions. I'm also sorry about that, but I can't be in them all and some I'm no longer interested in. I have found I've got a LOTTTTTTT of work to do to update myself in all kinds of ways, but if you do want to contact me I'd be more than happy for the conversation. Hope to see some of my ol' friends around ;).


~ The General

Independence Day!!

Happy 4th of July guys and gals. Hope you guys have fun and launch some fireworks :wink:. I'll see you guys soon (taking today off for family) and hope to see you guys with all your fingers :wink::lol:.

Designs Galore!

Galore doesn't mean they are good btw :P. Ok so here are a bunch of designs I have made recently. And of course there are commentaries :P.

Ok this is my first "request" since I got gimp. When I quote/unquote request I mean I made it voluntarily. It's a stock and not as good as I hoped but the person I gave it to is happy with it.

dblock header

This sig was put together really quickly and is pretty sloppy. It was for a design competition that coulda ended any minute, and then I missed the deadline...sux for me :lol:.

guitar sig

This sig turned out very well for almosting ending in disaster. I couldn't figure out how to scale the render down (just figured it out today) and then the text wasn't going well for me. In the end the text turned out ok, even though it coulda been better.

samurai sig

This one did NOT turn out the way I wanted it to and imo sux :?. It is my first anime-ish sig (it's of a game character but an anime render) and I may not do too many of them again. I didn't use a c4d on it (like a few others here) and it was before I learned how to scale down images. Just not that great.

leon sig

These next two are actually 2 sigs made into 2 different sigs. One was a FF Yufi sig that was well done but missing some things and the other wasa Killzone that was more of a c4d than a sig. I fused them in 2 dif ways and formed 2 dif sigs and judge them for yourself. The first is an abstract sig and the second is an FF sig.

idk sig

yufi sig

Most of these (with the exception of 2) are premades for designing unions. Most will be used in battles in the Designer's Central Union or the Graphics Studio for teams but a few I will probably enter in SotW's depending on the themes. I don't like using premades but if I get too much homework during the school days then I won't be able to design so I have these as backups incase I don't have time.

Comments are appreciated and returned (unless I get grounded again :roll: ).

Also in case you were wondering the official name for the union I am making is The Electronic Playground [Union] (debating whether to included union in the name). I am gonna wait about a month for summer school to end and for some of my final officers/charters to be ready. Hope things turn out well.

That's it for the ranting :P.

Union Name Vote

Ok so I'm getting ready to make everything for the union (or request it). But I need to come up with an official union name. Anyone can vote on it or add another name but I need to figure it out. Here are the 2 names i have so far:

The Gaming, Movies, and Music Union - Simple yet sophisticated (Abbrev. = TGMMU)

The Electronic Playground [Union] - Debating whether to put union in the name. catchy and has a wide option for what to talk about. (Abbrev. = TEP/TEPU/EPU)

If you could please comment on which you like the best or suggest a better name please say so.


Crapload of Designs

Well I am not ungrounded til tomorrow but my mom went to bingo and she's gone for about 4 hours. I got some time to make some cool sigs and a new header. Not in that time, only 2 were made today (one today and another incomplete one finished). Well here they all are. Only one I think out of the sigs isn't being used in a design contest of some sort already :roll:. I'll be making more next week. Comments are appreciated :wink:

This weekend I'm gonna try and get some of the details for the union so I can start making/requesting stuff. Also I am gonna try to redo my whole profile (started by making new banner and header). I'll actually get a REAL picture of me on my profile (current one is of my brother) and you can all marvel at my coolness....and my new haircut :lol:. I'll try to find a way to get a photo of me with my long hair so you can see the change. I got my hair cut a while ago so I look a bit better now :lol::wink:. Ciao!

This one is a stock believe it or not. I ended up losing all the bg :?.

concert sig

My second sprite sig. Better but I don't like making sprites cuz i usually just end up putting a sprite on a layer of a c4d then puting another c4d on top. Turns out good but too easy imo.

japfury sprite sig

Got bored so made this for a sotw. Not great but it was just a bit of an experiment. Didn't turn out as great as I hoped cuz the render was too big for the c4d :(.

dark metroid sig

My new header (won't be up til tomorrow). Took me a while (2-3 c4d's + stock) and still didn't get it right :roll:.

rocknroll header

System of a down sig. Never listened to them but found the render on planetrenders.

systemofadown sig

And finally, this sig is an old one of mine but i never got the chance to post it. It was my first sig that was turned (long down up). You'll know what I am trying to say when you see it :P.

rcker sig

Well I hope you all liked my designs. Comment are always appreciated and grateful for so please comment :D. I'll be back on tomorrow after school so see you on the other side on another day :wink:. Btw I am hoping to continue my story (The Brotherhood) Saturday so keep in touch :wink:.

Summer School and New Designs (Banner + Sig)

Ok first summer school is going great for me. I have this teacher who is a retired army officer and is very nice. Btw I take summer school for an extra class and not b/c I am failing :P. Sorry to say this but I may get very political at times (not randomly just in blogs and stuff) because the class I am taking is Government and Economics H. I was thinking of posting a blog on the 'Two Cows Explaination on Political Science' soon cuz it is pretty funny.

Anyways I got a chance to design today. Both the banner (yes I found out how to make good banners now :P) and the sig (which is not that great imo; made it from a almost black and white stock) are of My Chemical Romance (a band I like). Anyways the banner is where it always is and the sig is below, comments are appreciated :wink:.

Last thing; my grounding ends on Friday so see you then :wink: :D.

mcr sig

Grounded + the Brotherhood Story

First I got grounded for 2 weeks so I won't be on GS unless I get the chance. See I need my mom's cell phone charger for my mp3 player and I took it to my godmother's. She never said I couldn't and then she starts yelling at me. I have some letters I need to open so I take the sword letter opened (mini rapier) upstairs because it was a private letter and she is always looking through my stuff. Unfortunately I left the letter openers upstairs. Now because I was at fault, but there was no rule against what I did she looked at other crap to bust me for. I have a wood floor (ceiling cuz i am on the 2nd floor) and my mom makes me sweep my room, just cuz she had to when she was young. Well I cleaned my room within an hour but she rushed me cuz she had to leave for work and I had to go up to my godmother's so I never got to sweeping it. She took all this and grounded me for two weeks. I am pretty pissed off.

Second I finished Chapter 2 and 3 of my story. I didn't and now don't have the time to post them here but if you don't want to wait for them to be posted in about 2 weeks you can go here cuz I posted them there earlier today. It's a union about all kinds of things that have to do with writing and creating. There are some fun(ny) games there but I am not here to preach. Just go here if you want to get to see it soon. Ok see you all later. Don't leave until I can say goodbye!


New Sigs and Union Updates

Ok so here are some updates for the union. First the union won't be made for a few weeks because of a few things. I have gotten some charters but if you would like to be a charter just pm me. Also I haven't decided on an official union name yet. It's probably gonna either be The Gaming, Movies, and Music union which i think is better because it gives the idea of the union or it's gonna be The Electric Playground after a cool tv show on G4.

Also here are a bunch of designs i did in my free time.

This was a gift to a friend:

gift to dg

Sig for a union team:

brotherhood sigheader

my first sig with a sprite, tried a couple of new things:

kick sig

a very abstract sig of a woman, used a c4d that didn't go with the stock and turned out abstract which was the idea:

woman eyes sig

btw on that last sig i forgot to merge down some words and instead of saying 'look into my eyes' it says 'look eyes' :lol:

i think i am gonna use these for some battles or SotW down at the DC which is why i am just posting them. i don't want to make premades but i have to make a lot today and tomorrow because i might not be designing for a while after friday.

New Designs and Updates

First I am redesigning my profile. I have made a new banner, and new sig and a new header. I will be posting a picture of myself in the profile pic if i haven't already.

The banner is above but here are the sigs, if you could tell me if it is better w/ or w/o text that would be appreciated.

music sig

music sig 2

and the header


That's it for designs but i do have some updates. First is I am going to create the union around Sunday next week cuz i am going to a sleepover friday. I have 3 of the 6 charters I want so far.




If you want to be a charter for the union comment or pm me.

Also school ends this Friday. W00T!! All I have to face is my bio and math test tomorrow and then it's over. Well I hope you guys have fun over the summer cuz in 2-3 weeks I'm going to summer school. It sux but if I don't I can't take my 3 languages during the regular school year.

So Bye~



Don't know it in Latin sorry, :P