First I got grounded for 2 weeks so I won't be on GS unless I get the chance. See I need my mom's cell phone charger for my mp3 player and I took it to my godmother's. She never said I couldn't and then she starts yelling at me. I have some letters I need to open so I take the sword letter opened (mini rapier) upstairs because it was a private letter and she is always looking through my stuff. Unfortunately I left the letter openers upstairs. Now because I was at fault, but there was no rule against what I did she looked at other crap to bust me for. I have a wood floor (ceiling cuz i am on the 2nd floor) and my mom makes me sweep my room, just cuz she had to when she was young. Well I cleaned my room within an hour but she rushed me cuz she had to leave for work and I had to go up to my godmother's so I never got to sweeping it. She took all this and grounded me for two weeks. I am pretty pissed off.
Second I finished Chapter 2 and 3 of my story. I didn't and now don't have the time to post them here but if you don't want to wait for them to be posted in about 2 weeks you can go here cuz I posted them there earlier today. It's a union about all kinds of things that have to do with writing and creating. There are some fun(ny) games there but I am not here to preach. Just go here if you want to get to see it soon. Ok see you all later. Don't leave until I can say goodbye!