Well well. I decided to brave the ridiculously slow modem to get off an entry.
Ahh yes, I turned 21 two days ago. I had a pretty good birthday - though I fought with the vaccuum while conquering the house for my mother most of the day, it was still good.
Christmas Update:
I did get enough money for the Game Cube. I ended up buying it the Tuesday after Xmas b/c Gamestop sold out of them Sunday and Monday. I also picked up Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door. Now that is fun. Probably the most entertaining game I've ever played. My friend Beers got me Metroid Prime for Xmas - wow, that is an amazing game.
Over the course of the next few weeks we had a lot of family time, and for me, catchup on video game time. During which I convinced my parents to go buy an inexpensive surround sound system from Wal-Mart, while Jon conned them into buying Risk the board game. That was a fun day. We did the surround thing, watched a borrowed copy of Day After Tomorrow, had a fire w/ S'mores, and played Risk. It just so happened that that was the same day I got my GC. Like I said, it was a good day.
Birthday Update:
Well, after the vaccuum incident, we went out to the Iron Bridge Inn, a very nice restaurant, with the presentation of gifts. Jon got me Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles and a used copy of Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem. He had forgotten my wish list, so he did the best he could. I think FF:CC will be fun if I can find the money to get a GBA and link cable and find a friend to play with, which is possible, and as for ED: SR, I've wanted a game from that genre so this should be fun. It's rated pretty highly in GS, which is surprising after my run through of the intro.
My parents got me the Star Wars Trilogy - widescreen - just like I wanted. That made me pretty happy. Today I'm watching it while doing my laundry. Tonight I'll finish up watching ROTJ w/ Dad. I'm looking forward to it. :^)
No, I didn't consume any alcohol. I am not against drinking in moderation, but I want to set myself apart from what is considered normal in this world for Jesus Christ and His service. I did have a whole lot of Root Beer, though, ;).
Until next time, blessings on all and another blessed year for me!