Without a doubt lotr conquest was a good idea it just was not fully developed I believe that the best way EA can get conquest to be great is very easy and here is it what they should do.
First off, the gameplay is far to simple even on the hardest difficulty it is very easy to beat the enemies what needs to be done to change this is add a Assassins Creed combat system, I say this becuase conquest is a medieval style game with swords, bows, and knives so the best way to make this style better is to add in amazing sword duels and amazing finishers next is the classes the four that are available are basic classes the warrior, the archer, the rogue, and the mage these characters are not well designed and they are not enough, first add two more classes the Assassin and the Engineer, now for skills for the warrior, change them into a more stronger class increasing their attack and make their speed lower than every class except for the engineer and the mage also have it to where they have to pick up the axe before they can use it again, their basic attacks will be like it is now except the circle attack will be a powerful side slash followed by a punch which knocks they enemy backwards, the special attacks should be more attack centered, no magic have the square attack be shoulder tackle that breaks the enemies guard or sends them flying backwards, the triangle attack should be a poweful side ways slash the causes half health of damage to the opponent but it can be blocked, the circle will be a stab attack that does 1/4 health damage and has a 10% chance to instanst kill. The archer is a pretty simple class aim at target and shoot I agree with their attacks and skills what they need though is a set amount of arrows probably 30 arrows and when they run out they have to restock. The rogue is rather overpowered their energy bar fill up way to fast so you can assassinate a target and then attack a few time stealth then repeat, to fix this, I believe taking away their stealth is necessary make them a fast attack class like how the scout is on tf2, to accomplish this add in more attacks based on throwing knives so the rogue can toss knives with differents tips example poisen and stun while have the circle attack remain the bomb plant move they have right now change their r2 attack to bomb bolos that wrap around the enemy stunning them then exploding for a quick escape. The mage is overpowered plain and simple, this however is a good thing the mage is a glass cannon the stays behind their allies and fires lightning and fireballs over their heads for a deadly combination of unblockable magic, the basic attack needs to be changed to airblast attacks that send the enemy back a bit but doesn't  knock them down this is so the mage can escape from the enemies when they try to attack them, the special square attack should remain the healing ability, the special triangle attack should be a a light blast attack for the good team and a plague attack for the bad team the light blast is a focused beam of light that causes unblockable damage for 5 seconds, keep the special circle attack the same, the force field can stay but make it have a limit of how many hits it takes and have it block enemies from entering the field also mages can destroy the force fields easier with their trianlge abilities. The assassin will take the stealth ability and assassinate ability which can be used when stealth or when unstealth as long as the assassin is behind the enemy also make the assassinations be varied so that you get a different assassination every time, their square attack will be four attacks, the triangle attack be three attacks and on the third attack if it is not blocked cripples the oppenent, the circle attacks will be two attack that end with the assassin throwing down a smoke bomb to stun the enemy allowing him to escape danger. For special attacks have these based on health degen, unblockable, and a escape technique where the assassin roundhouse kicks the enemy then backflips and drops a smoke bomb for an escape, finally the R2 attack will be a smoke bomb that is thrown like how the rogue does now causing a stun effect for 10 seconds allowing the assin to either escape or get behind the enemy. The engineer will be a very supportive and slow class that can build walls, catapults, and ammo stations to build these the need supplies which be taken from enemies or building the engineer starts with 200 supplies enough to build four walls, two ammo stations, or one catapult their basic attacks have the engineer pull out a blunderbuss that when used send the enemy flying even when they are defending, if the enemy is not guarding the enemy takes 3/4 damage, if guarding it does a small amount of damage, the special attacks are the building I mentioned earlier. A not so important thing is the graphics they need to be improved but it is not as important as gameplay. Finally the hereos are almost identical in gameplay as the basic classes this has to be changed, hereos need to offer more to the game, they need to be fun to play as.
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