May 17th is coming up fast. Whats the deal with this date? Itsclose to payday so that means its game purchasetime, for May, at any rate. However what to spend my £40.00 on? Truthfully I get kinda annoyed at paying full price on release day for games. I do make exceptions, Elder Scrolls alwaysand PES; although PES is now becoming less of a must get. So that returns us to May 17th. On my list of things to get are Crysis2, LA Noire, Brink, and the Witcher2.
It can only be one.
So thanks to all who posted about Brink. I was hoping that was going to have a strong single player campaign and a good multiplayer with differing objectives and so forth. However i am hearing that it is not as finished as it could be. Whats this? Bethesda releasing a buggy game? Never..... And so that has influenced me to pushing Brink from my list. So we are left with LA Noire, Witcher2 and Crysis2.
I guess I can relegate Crysis2, I don't really want another shooter do I? I mean Killzone 3 was an extraordinarily over hyped piece of boring on-rails shooting. Kind of foundI didn't care what happened-which was a shame because I loved Killzone2-That was the game that got me online, way more so thanHalo, (fake quake)COD or Battlefield,- and as PSN was/is down I haven't had the chance to take it online,so still can't make a final judgement. And so I think, until Crysis2 drops to "rude-to-refuse" prices, I shall wait.....and so we have leftWitcher2 and LA Noire.
Yes, I played the Witcher. It was good. But a sequel......Might the sequel be better than the original? It could be. It is on a console. The gameplay is different, allegedly, But its a sequel.....I wonder
And then LA Noire. All the Hype. All the Press. Will it be worth a play.......Its a Team Bondi, I know but then its also RockStar and they make games that I don't much like! Yes I know that makes me an unworthy!! Not liking GTA? Not liking RDR? What sort of an idiot am I?.
However I love Bogart films, be-bop, Raymond Chandler novels......and to take part in THAT could be something....
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