Super Mario World Princess Peach has been kidnapped by Bowser and for the fourth time Mario must save her. During his journey to Bowers castle, Mario must also defeat Bowser's siblings and rescue little Yoshi's. Nothing too special, but an excellent recipe for some good, ol' Mario platforming! As always the controls are basic but really good. Of course you move with the control pad. With B you jump, with A you spin jump, you can run faster by holding Y and this also makes you able to jump higher. With Y you can also hold a shell. With Start you can pause the screen and select, R and L do nothing. The controls somewhat change when having a power-up. There are, I believe five power-ups (but correct if I'm wrong). There is the Mushroom, Cape, the Fire-suit, the balloon and the star. You could say that the power-ups give you an extra live, because after being hit you become small and when you get hit again you die. Power-Ups also give you an extra power. With the cape you can do a spin-attack with Y , with the fire-suit you can throw fire, with the balloon you can float in the air and the star makes you invincible. Power-ups are very crucial to the game because you need them for accessing certain areas and secrets. Sometimes you find Yoshi and you can ride on him. This gives you an additional chance after you are hit, so actually you have 3 lives now. He can eat enemies, run faster and you can sometimes reach a platform by launching off him. You can find different Yoshi's. The normal green one, the yellow one (makes you able to do an earthquake), the blue one (makes you able to fly) and the red one (makes you able to breath fire). The controls are really well-functioning. Everything goes fluently. I have to say, there is no platformer on the Nes and the Snes with better controls. In total there are 8 worlds with 97 levels (including Bowser's castle). All the worlds have a certain theme and all themes are completely different. Two things that reappear in every world are the Ghost House, and the castle. For people who want to find all secrets: A red-dotted level has more than 1 ending and always check the ghost-houses for secret passages. Also don't forget to normally clear the star-level after finishing it with the key-passage. For more questions you can always ask me. I hear many people complaining about the low difficulty of the game. In the beginning the game is indeed very simple but if you really want to find all the secret levels and paths, you will really have to use your platforming skills. I got really frustrated at the secret world, because some levels were nearly impossible! Taking into account that it's the first super Nintendo game, the graphics are very good, but not the best of the console. I mean, look at Mario's rival Donkey Kong Country and compare it. That's why I mentioned it's the first game, because you can't expect the first game to graphically be the best of the system. So Super Mario World's graphics are the best for it's time, but not the best on it's console. But it's not bad, no, it's very good. It is light and colorful, just what you expect from a Mario game. The environment and the enemies look really funny and detailed (the clouds have eyes) and you could just spent hours looking for cool details on them! Also the overworld is really detailed, with a fish occasionally jumping out of the water. You can see how much time they took to design the world. These graphics really impressed us after the age of 8-bit sprites. The music is awesome! Catchy with nice sound-effects, but not too lame and repetitive. The Mario themes are upgraded from the last game. They are not entirely new, but that doesn't matter. Sometimes upgrading the wheel, is better than reinventing it! One thing I do have to mention is that they still didn't create the multiplayer option of playing together. You play the level until you die and then the other player plays until he/she dies… (If Mickey's Circus Mystery could do it, why can't super Mario world?!?!) There is no coop-mode and that's just a shame! Now the biggest question remains: Should I buy Super Mario World or Super Mario Bros. 3 on the Virtual Console? I must say Super Mario World. Gameplaywise they are not very different but Super Mario World looks better and has better music. I also thought that the controls of Super Mario World are more fluent and are better functioning and, don't forget, you can also play with Yoshi! Of course, I'm sure that there are some people who don't agree with me and I would like to hear why you think Super Mario Bros is better. I believe we've talked about every aspect of the game and I think it's time to conclude it: Gameplay: 9/10 – Fully completing this game will take days and you'll never get bored of it! But it's almost the same as it prequel and that might bore fans of 3 a little bit. Controls: 10/10 – It works perfectly! Graphics: 9,5/10 – One of the best, but not the best! Music: 10/10 – Catchy without being repetitive! Multiplayer: 6/10 – You can't play together! Overall: 9/10 – BUY IT!!! I also have a IGN account, become friends! Watch my reviews on Youtube, subscribe or become friends!
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