Okay, the mgs series has been around for the longest, porbably since 97 long before that but im talking about MGS1, i was born 92 so i did not learn about since i was occupied with mario kart and the N64....
I still remember when i first played MGS2, the first one i ever played btw, my order was 2,1,3,4...anyway it was amazing, i immediately dicthed my old system and got myself a ps2.
I picked up MGS1 and it BLEW ME AWAY! the story, characters, solid snake, codec conv...it was something i had never expirienced before.....a couple years passed and MGS3 came by...
I did not immediately pick it up, but rented it... it was good but not like MGS1...1 year later i actually bought it..
Later i heard about mgs4, to wait for it i replayed mgs3 over and over, replaying it made me realize how great it really was and who BIG BOSS was to the mgs universe....that got me amped for MGS4....
June 12, MGS4 came out and by far it is the greatest game i have ever played...forget halo, gears, LBP, mgs is something that should be expirienced by everybody, everywhere...when i first saw it at my Bro in laws house i thought it was going to be stupid...that was the last time i ever judged something by its cover...
This is my opinion i do not care what other people say...everyone think whatever you wanna think but i know i am the only one...