Geowil's's Gamespot Rank

Level: 14 (2%)
Rank: Ring King
Points: 171506

Geowil's Emblems

  • Game Expert

    Here to save the day! Game Experts are knowledgeable and skilled masters in at least one game and have proven this by unlocking at least 75% of the achievements available for it. If you've ever got a question, a Game Expert's usually a good person to ask.

  • Greatest Game Villain Henchman

    Hey, everyone's got to start somewhere. These loyal minions created a bracket to guess at who is the most vile of them all. Let's hope they don't get caught betting against their overlords!

  • Greatest Game Villain Loyal Minion

    Amplifying word of mouth by motivating influencers in the social graphspace. These faithful servants helped to spread the word about the Greatest Game Villain competition by sharing their votes or brackets by Facebook...evilly.

  • Greatest Game Villain D-List Evildoer

    You did bad, kid, but not bad enough. This junior class henchperson managed to pick the overall winner, but scored less than 100 points in the competition.