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GerMan666 Blog

Merry Christmas from GerMan666!

A hody-ho to anyone who has the fortune to see this post! I'm back in time for Christmas to show off all the stuff I got! Here's all the stuff I got.



A Wii

Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

Aero Bar


2 Packs of Popeye's candy sticks.

The Simpsons Movie on DVD

A bag of regular chips (Humpdy Dumpty)

All in all, I've had a profitable Christmas, with great expectations and I wish you all have a Merry Christmas, with your hopes fulfilled.

Site Announcement/Halloween/I'm Mother****ing Tired blog!

Jeezum crow! It's been a while since I last wrote on this, but I'm not just a blog harlot! Anywho, a lot has happened to me in the last 2 months, and I thought I might as well say it.


Currently, I am making a website that I will hopefully make my deadline, which is in November (If I'm lucky!), since I recently honed my HTML skills in computers class (Because I gots one of the highest marks in the class).


I'm in the mood for Halloween, and I've been watching Halloween specials (Eg: The Simpsons, South Park, Charlie Brown), but sadl, I'm not going out for two reasons. 1, I have a little brother who will do all the candy getting for me, with my dad tagging along with 2 hockey bags, and 2, I'm too old.

That's about it for now, and you'll probably won't hear of me until at least until Christmas.


End of Summer, Labor Day, Start of School, Countdown to Guitarmageddon Blog!!!!!

Yo yo yo, Jive turkies! GerMan666 in the house! As you all know, summer is done, and school is starting (just another bane of horror, and destitute in my life), and as I go into Grade 10, for 10 grueling months, it's times like these that make me glad that we have TV, Internet, booze, porn, and Mexican food. If I make it to June, I'll be half-dead, but I'll be glad when school's done.

On a fiscal note, I'm hoping to get a job at my local grocery store sometime in October, because I feel that a paper route doesn't pay much, plus all my friends have real jobs.

Now, back to the school situation; As two of my optional courses this year, I'll be taking computers, and Buisnes, and I hope to rule the world one day.

Currently playing: Mega Man

Currently listening to: Anything in the Guitar Hero Games.

Ciao, mon amis.

2 year Anniversary.

Even though it was yesterday, it marked my 2 year anniversary when I registered to CNET Networks. I joined GameFAQs, then found ou that my username can go to any site on the network.

Anywho, happy 2nd birthday account of mine!

Canada Day Blog

Hey to all that dwell on! Today is Canada Day! and yes, I am a Canadian from the great white north, despite what my name says. Today marks the 140th birthday, when Canada broke away from the shackles of the Brits, and became an independent country. May Canada rock on for years to come, and still be considered, one of the best countries in the world, (Close second for America.) Now, Here are some pros and cons of living in Canada:

Pros: Free health care, drinking age is 19, snow in the winter, we can have a snowball fight in July, keeper of oil, vast, and varying lands and terrains, Great NHL Teams, (except Toronto Make-Me-Laughs) great reputation, no Bush-like prime ministers, we had a woman leader before America, great exports, some movie stars come from Canada, coolin' national anthem, and 1 big rockin' highway.

Cons: Not to par army, too cold in winter, Celine Dion born in Canada.

There may be more, but Happy Canada day to any Canadian TV.con users!

Summer Blog (FINALLY!!!!!)

Hey Juggernauts! I'm here to report that I finally start summer vacation today! After done my relentless exams, I finally ge to relax for 2 months untul September. Since I'm not doing anything special this summer (Watching TV, Ruling the World, going to my camp, playing video games, watching the Simpsons Movie ect.)

Speaking of the Simpsons Movie, it comes out one month from today! Oh it is gonna rule better than the South Park movie, and Patton combined.

Well, I'm busy, everyone have a great summer, because I'm outie! (For Now)

A great way to end May

I'm glad to report my May will end on a happy basis. I am now Trusted  Contributor for Captain Planet, and the Planeteers, classes are almost done, and the Simpsons movie is coming out in a couple of months! That's all for now, until I decide to write another blog.

Hey Hey! It's Mother's Day!

As you all know, today is mother's day, the day you thank your mother for being in her flower, and popping out of it for 9 months. Just say "Thanks Maw" and give her a kiss, and a hug. Some people get her a card, or make her a useless gift, or get her an expensive gift, or become her slave for the whole day. Today, my whole family is going to lunch at my Nonna, and Nonno's house, and my poor little Nonna has to cook, but all the kids do the cleaning. I'll do my fair share, and make my little cousins do their share too. But I hope you all have a happy Mother's Day.

Happy April 20th!

Hola, and hello y'all! I'm happy to report I got a day off today, and I remember how April 20th is because of these following events.


The international day of Marijuana (I don't smoke it)

Hitler's Birthday


In me related news, I was forced to do a little spring cleaning in my lawn, by cleaning it up I mean throwing rocks in my driveway. It is also sweltering out there, while in the west, it is snowing. Sorry.

I'm out! 

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