Well I love my PS3 but don't hate the 360. I don'thave a360 and I won't bash the other just becuase I have a PS3. I will eventually get a 360 just becuase of having a choice of games.
The LIVE is cool, but I won't give MS any more of my money for Silver or Gold accounts. I just want to play and hook up with players. I don't give a rat's azz about all the other stuff. MS charges for stuff we can get for free.I have 10 friends on my PS3 and not too often are we engaged in online discussions and such. Who actually answers a message while playing COD4 for example. I'd never go back to the menu and answer it.
The ps3 though ishard to design for. MS made it simple for developers and the DEV kits were easier to understand and useand don't we all look for the easy way to make money if we could?
My friend has aPS2, gamecube, xbox, 360 and ps3 and he never uses his PS3. He says there are no games. However even if a good title came out for the ps3 and 360he would go 360 just because. He plays FIFA a lot online, but if I said get COD4 for PS3, he wouldn't even consider it, but he loved Crackdown. He bought Battlefield Modern Combat for the 360 when I told him it's hella fun online and never plays it. Another friendhas all 3 consoles but is playingMetroid.
It's aa matter of taste.
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