im confused
by GhOsT-AC_06 on Comments
i thort that xbox live was down for maintenice and was gonna come back with new features i havent seen any. :(
"master chief what are you doing on that ship"
"sir finishing this fight"
the famous words of MC when i saw this movie scence and then it ended i was very very surprised and pretty pissed at the same time what was your reaction
im rele bored |-)
n looking for a hard and challenging game to play any suggestions :D
i brought a game yesterday for the xbox and the noobie sale's man gave me a ps2 disk uurrgghh didnt even get to play it!!!! :@
final fantasy are now RARE so it you have f f 9 f f 7 f f 8 or any others keep hold of them because in a few years time you just never no.
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