Man what an amazing film that was, just got back from seeing it :D
Lucas has done a great job making this and i loved it from start to finish.
Here are my good points and bad points *Spoilers* - but i might add some more later, its all fresh and im still trying to remember what i have seen, i think i might have to see it again :P
Good Points
The Visual effects were breathtaking, from start to go, some scenes were incredible that i didnt have time to see everything i wanted in some scenes.
First the Fight between Dooku and Anakin ( ell and Obi wan) was good, a bit short but good. The fight totally mirrored ROTJ fight between Vader and Luke, Because when Luke cuts off Vaders hand, the emperor shouts Kill him, but Luke doesnt however when Anakin is in the sam position he cuts Dooku's head off, already sending Anakin down the dark path.
I Loved to find out a bit about Palpatines Former master and how he killed him, all this was a part of seducing Anakin to the dark side.
The Film really kicked off when Mace Windu and the other Jedi Confronted Palpatine, this is the bit i have been waiting for since i first saw the trailer, and it didnt let me down, Palpatine really can move and dispatched the jedi easily, it was a great fight between the 2 and finally Mace had him beaten and deflected the lighting bolts onto Palpatines face, he begs for anakins help and he turns on Mace, turning to the dark side and becoming Darth Vader, this was one of my favourite bits.I think it was great acting by Anakin and Sidious, It really was convincing how he seduced Anakin to the dark side, by saying he could save him Wife. It was really sad to see this happen, he thought he was doing the right thing, you really felt the pain and confusing which anakin was feeling.
But the saddest bit of it, all what got me off my chair and a lump of emotion filled inside me was when the clonetroopers turned against the Jedi, man that was sad, You see Ku- Adi- Mundi marching on battling away, commanding his troops to follow when he finally realises something is wrong, he deflects loads of bolts but is overwhelmed :( also Plo Koon got killed and so did Aalya :(
And the way anakin marched into the temple, with the troopers was breathtaking and slaughtering the Kids of the temple that really was the lowest you can do.
It just shows how corrupted and confused he was.
There were two great fights at the end between Master and Master .
and Friend and Friend,
It was so emotional at the end when he chokes Padme thinking she had betrayed him due to Obi Wan coming out of the ship, then what is said after that is chilling and really gets to you. The Duel itself is amazing and hard to explain the feelings. When he is defeated and is about to be burnt Obi Wan shouts out you are the Chosen One, that moment you feel really sorry for Anakind and Obi Wan, in 2 hours you just see there relationship totally destroyed.
Yoda's Fight was awesome, But what can you say, He lost :(
I like how they mixed the Birth of the twins and the Birth Of vader, it was so good, but chilling when Vader he relises he had killed Padme by choking her, (Obviously he didnt but Palpatine can be very convincing lol )
Finally i really like it that Jar Jar Binks was only in the movie for about a minute.
Bad Points
Not many at all:
Hmmm my main Concern was that it didnt show much of the wookie battle, i was looking forward to that. but oh well.
Chewbacca, C3po and Dooku were not in it for very long :(
Grevious was easily defeated by Obi Wan, Come on 4 lightsabers on 1 !!!
And Finally i was very, very, very , disapointed that Jar Jar Binks didnt die a painful death :(
Overall, i really did enjoy the film and will be seeing it again :D