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Contrary to the Buffet Elite

Contrary to Buffet

I thought I'd do everyone a big favor and explain why Buffet is sucking with investing in 2008 and 2009 and use him as an example. It's not that he's lost his touch. You see Buffet's comparitive advantage is investing when the stock market goes down, then he makes really good business deals and makes tons of money when the market recovers. He's a businessman, and a stockman, which also uses a lot of business knowledge. The two are interconnected. And that works great for investing in Recessions. However in Depressions the skillset adds economics to the stockmans role. And what does he know about economics? Didn't he say that the market was good back at like Dow 10,000-11,000? It wasn't good for me, I'm glad I didn't listen.

Look I have no "beef" with Buffet, but I want to make a point. You shouldn't be listening to those elite people. Many of them don't know what they are talking about and don't even have an education on what they are discussing. Sadly even people with actual very good educations on the subject matter also don't understand it. Just look at Bernanke, he knows about as much about Depressions as Buffet. To be honost sometimes I feel like a Goliath trying to walk on hot coals trying to make it to the other side to save some idiot trying to eat fire right after he/she drank liquid gasoline. I know what can you do?*

Contrary to the Elite:

Right now we're having an unstoppable rally. But if the solution to a 30 to 1 overleveraged economy (it was 9:1 in the Great Depression) is not to add more dept, some leveraged at an additional 7 to 1 ratio. America is famous for their creamed up bull **** salad. We sold this salad to everyone. The europeans ate it up and loved it! haha. I hear it's better than pasta salad, only the side effects afterward gives you diarrhea. The only thing funnier than giving the creamed up bull **** salad to the europeans is giving it to the US tax payers. *cough cough* Not funny?

Bottom Line: We're in a Depression. Nothing is going to change that. If America wants to keep redistributing wealth by increasing the dept to the tax payer then I think it's time for the tax payers to just start jumping out of buildings again because it's not going to be a pretty sight. America's future is bleak even if I were to be wrong. Frankly though I've never seen anyone win betting against me.

* Actually what you can do is stick to your guns and bet against these people and watch them burn alive. Somewhat entertaining, but also very profitable!! (Just Kidding - In a few years don't be a hater, I did what I could!**)

**Nobody listens