Summer is here and my summer started off great. After graduation and a thousand grad parties I took a trip down to Mrytle Beach, SC with 14 other friends and enjoyed 5 days of well...everything. Overall, an awesome trip. Then I return with anticipation of leaving June 22nd (today) for Wilmington where I would help run the school's team basketball camp. I had been very excited to go on this trip simply because I would get to know all the coaches and players, see some great basketball, and of course get paid. Then the day after I return I get a call from one of the coaches informing me that they just found out that no incoming student to the school can help at the camp. Meaning I can't go. So I sit here this Sunday afternoon not down in Wilmington but typing this blog on my Macbook. Bummer.
Not being able to go down to Wilmington changes a lot about my summer. First off, it was my source of income. I would estimate I would have gotten around $300 per camp and I was going to do two so thats a good $600 bucks. Not getting that money. :roll: So now I need a job. I've applied to Blockbuster but the chances of getting that are slim because 3 of my friends already got jobs there and although they say they're still hiring (well the sign out front says that) I highly doubt they need anyone else. So I'm playing the waiting game there.
And how exactly am I playing the waiting game? Well right now the majority of my friends (or the ones I want to hang with) are out of town (like I should have been...) so I'm stuck in my house unless I motivate myself (which doesn't happen often) or someone calls with plans. So I need something to do. Well first off, I bought Bioshock with some giftcard money I had. Although the game is disturbing as hell, its a lot of fun and I can't wait to see how it ends. I've also borrowed Season 2 of The Office from a friend and I've been throughly enjoying that. I've never really watched The Office and now I'm wondering why.
But anyways, thats how my summer days are going right now. Things should get more entertaining come next week or once July hits. Stay tuned for my next blog though as I will share with you my plans for the prank I want to pull off this summer. ;)