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The Prank Pt. 2 (With Pictures!)

One thing you must always remember is expect the unexpected. So last night The Prank went down. 7 people helped, we had 9 but two guys dropped out at the last minute because some random people showed up at their house that they couldn't turn away. Anyways, I bought 16 rolls of toliet paper, 400 sq feet of plastic wrap, 2 bags of flour, and brought the 700 forks I had from when my house was forked.

We learned that a couple of our other friends were over at Pete's house that night so we knew that we either got it done before they left or did after they were gone. We decided to do it before because one of my friends couldn't be out much later than 12. So 11:40 or so we showed up at his house and started going to work. I immediately started forking and once we used all the TP and floured his car, others began helping. About 3 minutes later (thats basically all the time we had) one of my friends spotted someone coming outside so we sprinted to the cars and left. We didn't leave however. I got a call from Pete soon after asking if I did it and after pretending I didn't I but eventually told him because he wanted to congratulate me. So then we came back and drove by taking pictures as we went but then we saw Pete so we had to get out of there (which is why most of the pictures suck). As we drove off we decided we'd come back and do more and right when we got to the grocery store Pete calls me again. Except it wasn't Pete.

On the other end is Pete's dad and he started going on and on about how we "defaced" his property and if we didn't get over there in 15 minutes he was calling the cops. What an a$$hole. So we go back over and got in an agrument with him about how he was totally overreacting to the situation and about how Pete has pulled so many pranks on us and that this was simply a way of getting back at him. His dad's agruement was that because they were trying to sell the house what we did was lowering the value of the house because of the "damage" we had done. I explained that nothing we did had caused any damage but he was too hot to hear any of it. He told us to clean it up, we said that wasn't our job, that was Pete's, that when someone TP's your house you have to clean it up. I explained I spent 2 hours cleaning up my house because I knew it was the right thing to do. Basically we put his dad in his place but he ended up threatening to call the police so we cleaned up what we could (even though most of it was already cleaned up).

So after thinking it over I realized this Prank was actually more successful than I thought at first. Yes, we got caught but we did a hell of a job for 5 minutes work, plus his dad found out about all the pranks Pete had done to us so now he's mad at Pete and considering how he flipped out about us TPing his house, I can imagine that Pete won't be trying to get back considering his dad's reaction. Plus, besides the whole freakout by the dad it was an extremely fun night and after we did Pete's house we went back to the grocery store, bought flour and plastic wrap and floured/wrapped my friend's ex girlfriend's car (who had cheated on him) and as a finishing touch, outlined a large penis on the hood (we were going to name the penis after the kid she cheated with but decided against it). Anyways pictures are below, I'm giving links to the pictures because posting them in the blog would make it too long.

We named this prank Operation: "What the F***!?" because that was my reaction after Pete's dad called me.

This is one of the trees, we didn't get to put much TP in unfortuantely.

This tree got it worse, there was more TP but we didn't get pictures of it.

Me driving the car.

The deer from hell.

The best picture we got of his car. Pete had wiped away some of it so he could pull it into his driveway. He'll have a nice surprise when he turns on this AC.

I may add more pictures later.