hey slayers... you don't. I find it ironic that they are trying to crack down on R4 piracy... but then they release a system with a friggin' SD memory card slot... that's like opening your ports to ships without clearance.
I love how low looks great. That is a huge plus in my opinion. Ultra high I'm sure looks better while the game is running, but if these shots are accurate I would happily swap frame rate for "Ultra High" anyday if it looks that good on lower graphics settings. I'm one of these gamers who can't afford a rig that should be taxed by Hydro companies. Anyone from Quebec knows how much Quebec Hydro is anyways.... ;)
There are so many reasons for me not to play this game, now. The monthly fee, the requirements, wow. ( I don't mean W.o.W... I mean WOW!) I love warhammer, but I am also sick and tired of elves dwarfs and orcs.
Rappelz, Rakion and a few others are worthy of this... Seriously, they overlooked Rappelz! It's cliche-driven from the outset, but it's graphically sound and it feels deep from the start. Sword of the new world was kind of interesting, but also kind of crappy after a while.
I like the higher contrast look on 360. If it takes that bloody long to load on PS, both ahrd and soft.... Guess who my winner is... I wonder how the PC holds up against these two?
GhostyMcboo's comments