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GibboViper Blog

Back from space!


Well im fresh back from Space!My left eye, thats right EVE revelations online. Man thats a sweet game. Some missions are really hard to do and your ship is always slightly underperforming for missions as you need alot of skill points to battle so you just click on your buddy list and call in some support and then the mission is taken care of. Its a real eye opener this game. Ive decided to Subscribe to it and pay a monthly fee. Well i week of the summer holidays left and im not lookingt forward to teaching again. Where on earth did the time go. Im definately taking a week off from everything in October! (more game time hehe). So whats new in the world, i actually feel like ive lost a week lol. Time just seems to have flown by!. Talk soon and peace out,


Ouch, my head hurts!


By jings as we say here in Scotland, Eve revelations online is a pretty tough game. Alot to get through and just seems to get tougher and tougher. My head literally hurts. Good fun though and its been such a long time since ive done online gaming. Im exhausted out already. Anyone know how to install patches by the way?. I need to install some patches and this is windows Vista and im not sure where my initial download of the game went. I think im becoming a technology noob. Hope life is treating you all well , Peace out, Gibbo.

level 15


Level 15 yay!. that one nearly got by me. Well although i cant play any of the total war series i can play eve revelations online. My call sign online is GibboViper2 and im currently a miner. Some of the missions in the tutorial are damn hard and grasping the game quickly is impossible. There is alot to learn and i think that is the point, thus creating longevity!.

Will keep you posted,


Good or Bad?


The PC arrived yesterday and here are the stats. Im not that technical so if anyone could tell me if this is good or bad i would really appreciate it. Ok its an acer AMD Athlon 64 x2 3800 +, 180 gb hard drive, 1GB ddrII , DVD dual double layer, Windows vista home premium. Ive not set it up yet, infact im about to do that right now. I have no idea how its going to perform. I just had a horrible thought, Rome total war as far as i can remember only plays on Windows XP? This could well be a tradgedy!! I must have a bit of rome total war tonight, ive waited months and months and need to relax!. Will set it up now and let you know how badly i stuff the set up. Stats look good? Peace out, Gibbo.

1000 posts!


Ok thats definately 1000 posts now. I think 1001 to be exact. At last i join the 1k club. Glad to be a new member! Still waiting for the PC. Will it come today?> Its getting on a bit for a delivery!. Peace out, gibbo.

Almost - 1000 posts yay!


Good news. Im about to join those in the 1k of posts' league lol. i think im about 15 off!. Well its been a long time coming so it will be nice to turn over a new leaf as they say. I dont seem to have sore fingers from typing that much but there is always time for that lol. ah well, almost another milestone accomplished! peace out, gibbo.

New PC


Been about a week, its been real busy recently. Good news though. I have a new pc arriving in less than 1 hour. I got a real basic one from the store round the corner just for basic functions. I may have to buy a better graphics card as i believe that the one in there is a shared card and dog poo. I need it because i can barely go online with this pc as the PC takes about 10 minutes loading up and about 30 minutes closing down. I noticed opening up web pages is very difficult now and thus taking too much time. (time is money). I will let you know the full stats when it arrives. Now it is basic so im not expecting miracles. But i am expecting it to load up Rome Total War without problems. Im not even excited. Ive had to spend so much money on cars and general living that i just cant get excited. Also ive had a hedache for about 3 days now, thats really spoiling things right now. will let you know stats in 1 hour. Peace out, Gibbo.

Weekend at last!


Well thank crunchie its Friday!. That week just seemed to drag on and on. Only 3.5 weeks to go and its back to full grind :(. I cant believe that the holiday period is going by so fast!. Guitar is going well and ive been thinking of buying an amp for it. Tonight ive been invited over to a friends house for dinner to talk business. So much to do and time just seems so short. even now phone is going off !Ahhh. Must make more time to write this weekend. Will do a meaningful blog this weekend, Peace out, Gibbo.

Updated blog


Crazy. I couldnt find how to get my original pic off for my 2nd last blog. Managed it now. must catch up on technology lol. Anyway, another blog coming in the morning, for my updated blog , please see the blog below. have lots to say tomorrow about last weeks and this weeks events. Stay tuned, best regards, gibbo.

Chaos ensues


Im still around but ive been snowed under. Ive not stopped for about a week. Got to take some time off soon as im going stir crazy. October for sure. One of my clients really messed me around recently ad i was really annoyed. Im going to find a replacement for this client as i only do business with honourable people. Cant go into details, but if you go self employed, dont let people dictate to you. Stand your ground. For the rest of week i will catch up. Some great games coming out. Lots to talk about. Keep well good friends, cant keep a good blogger down lol, no matter how much work you shove on him, I will always have a tale to tell. Peace out, GibboViper!.