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Gigagamer2 Blog

First Week of my A-Level Life Over

Well, i have just finished my first week of A-Levels, and it was a petty good week

Im taking Physics, Maths, Geography and Computer Science (General Studies too but thats compulsory)

In physics, my teacher got rick-rolled trying to look for a video whilst the speakers were on and the projector/smart whiteboard on, hilarious:lol:

Oh and i get Thursday mornings and Friday afternoons off, which is very nice.

The Countdown Begins

I need to update my blog, so here i go.

Well, my exams finished, and i think they went pretty well. Although i'm having a few doubts about my DT coursework, Ceramics, French and English. But oh well, nothing can be done now.

I get my results on August 21st, so just over a month to go. In the meantime, i have several things going on or things already done.

Ive been to Portugal, Im going to Alton Towers, I have a 40th/50th dual birthday party to attend, as well as my Grandparents 60th Anniversary. I have a weekend in France, bowling and lots of Karate. Oh, cant forget random LAN parties with friends too :P

For 6th form, my subjects are to be Physics, Maths, Computer Science and Geography. With the school, im also hoping to go to Sicily and Mount Etna in October, and maybe a Ski Trip in February.

Technology wise, i need to Buy some new games, mainly Brawl for me and my friends and another FPS. I might get an iPhone 3G, seeing as i love my iPod Touch, and i want to replace it with one without scratches on a screen, and i dont like having a separate phone and mp3 player (the GPS will be handy too). And i might go to Sundown Demoscene in september down in Devon with a couple of friends

Exams: ARGH

Well, i started the exams properly on monday with maths. Not including a geography DME, orals or coursework, i have separate 18 exams lasting over a period of 3 weeks (with a break in the middle). i counted that i will be sitting in the exam hall for about 22 hours in total, which isnt nice. Oh well, last day of school was today, so now im in only for exams. So not having any more school until 6th form in sept is a nice bonus.

Oh and in other news, im loving the Wii i bought. Zelda is epic. I cant wait for brawl to come out

My first try of a Wii

I was round my cousins house today, and they have a Nintendo Wii hooked up to a Sony Bravia 42" LCD

I played Wii Sports, and i can tell you this, it is such a brilliant party starter, there were a lots of mothers at the party, and if it was an Xbox, the wouldnt care, but because of the Wii's interaction, they all wanted a go. The whole family ethos of the Wii is incredibly powerful, and addictive. I love the rallys we had in tennis, back and forth, its better than Wimbledon.

And, guess what. I was planning to buy a Gamecube after my GCSEs because i want to play Ocarina of Time over the holidays, as my brother took his to Uni. But now, im thinking about a Wii. The best bit is, i will only have to pay for half of it, as my sister is just as addicted, and i have some spare cash in my bank account. I should really stop spending, but I cant lol. Oh well, when i start 6th Form, i will be getting £30 a week from the government, and i might get a job, meaning i can buy stuff i like such as trips to the cinema and general teenage stuff

Damn you nintendo, the Wii is too good

Five Things about me

Well, i have decided to write a list of 5 facts about myself which you probably wont know (and if you do, stop stalking me). Im doing this because i have read a lot of blogs recently with people doing this, and I also want more people to read my blog, im guessing my titles arnt exiting enough. V_V


1. I am tall (6"2'), yet very skinny, and i am just over 9 stone which is 60kg. before you ask, i love junk food and i eat a lot of it, i think i have a high metabolism

2. I love science and pretty much every aspect of it, I am considered a geek at my school because of my knowloedge of science, maths and computers. Thankfully, there are quite a few of us there. I especially love physics, and my brother is studying it at university, hmm, i think he influenced me towards physics a little, but i find the cosmos fascinating and awe inspiring

3. I like Japanese/Asian culture, and i like the sorts of stuff that come from there, such as martial arts, awesome weapons, and a couple of TV shows too. I myself practise Karate every week, and i am now at the grade 3rd Kyu, which in english is Brown belt. This is after 3 and a half years of doing one or two lessons a week. I love everything about it from the bowing to speaking japanese and calling my teacher sensei.

4. I can count from 1-100 (sort of to a thousand) in Japanese, and i understand some of the basic language. But, most of this is from karate, and the remainder, random snippits from Anime/Japanese TV or random words i learnt on the internet. I can't read and japanese tho, i know what a couple of the Hirigana shapes pronounce, and i can write my name and Raki-Suta, thats it. Basically, if i went to japan, i wouldnt understand conversations or road signs.


My favourite drink: Coca-cola

My Favourite Food: Tough choice, but atm, its KFC Chicken Fillet burger

My Favourite TV show: Top Gear, although House MD and numerous comedies come close

My Favourite Animal: Kittens (anything cat related, even lions) or penguins. Tough Choice again

My Favourite Car: Lamborghini Murcielago LP640 Roadster (i like cars, and lots of them)

Anything else u wanna ask me, post a comment in the blog! Dont make me feel lonely :cry:

My xbox360 pictures, with HD video caps thrown in

My masterplan (ie, getting a job, buying Xbox360 and HDTV) was completed a while ago, but i have realised, i havnt posted any pictures about it yet, and this being the internet (a series of tubes), i can do that.

So, i took some pictures of my TV with my xbox running. I played the Top Gear Polar Special, danny boyles film Sunshine, and 2 rather epic animes, all of them were taken from 720p files, so no upscaling here. (oh, and KarateDog, ur online msg is in one of the pics)

Sorry, No more pictures, seeing as imageshack is being annoying. Ill take some more at some point, dont worry

My 3rd 360, but im not bothered (oh and level 25)

Ok, my first 360 got one red light after 3 days of me having it, i accepted it as just having a bad dvd drive (thats wha the error code seemed to be saying anyway), so i replaced it with another 360, which has lasted me from mid september all the way to mid february with no problems.

I finished playing Call of Duty 4 one night, then i turned it off no problems. Then, the next day, i press the xbox button on my controller to start up the console. No Response. Nothing. I check to see the power is on, but then i feel stupid because my TV is on and its on the same extension cord. Now, i start to assume the power supply is faulty, so i expect to see a red LED. Guess what, there isnt a yellow light, or red light coming from the psu's power supply. I then think, 'well that means no current is passing into the psu, meaning the fuse has gone'. I take the fuse out, and try it in another appliance (paper shredder if you must know), but unfortunately the fuse didnt blow.

So i was faced with a truly broken PSU. No problem i thought, take it back to Gamestation with the receipt, they are bound to have a spare. Well, it was a monday, and i spent 12 hours at a mates house playing games (Audiosurf people is too addictive) and watching films, and my dad was kind enough to take it back for me. I got home, went upstairs and he said that the plugs were different at the store, so he had the entire system replaced. He forgot to change the hard drives around (well, easy mistake to make when u r a parent) but i was pretty happy, because i now had a new system, with a new 12 month return policy, and the fact it has a different power cable in the back of it signified to me that it was a newer model, perhaps, the new 65nm sku. I powered it up, and is was much quieter. So in essence, a faulty psu got me a new 360, which is quieter, more reliable (i hope) and with a revised warranty.

Perhaps the 360 reliability issue isnt as bad as you guys believe.

In Other news, Blu-Ray has won. I was expecting this, and some of the ppl at my school who have PS3s are going to be a**holes because of it. Im not too bothered tho, because i didnt buy a HD-DVD drive and whilst having a PS3 would be very nice, I would have virtually no games for it i would want (CoD4, GT5 prologue). And the other day, i was watching School of Rock on the 360, and it did a very impressive job of upscaling, and it looked even better when i was in my bed watching it, which is slightly further away.

Christmas, New Year, and anything in between

First of all, i reached level 34 last week and i have been boosted dhalf a level, i dont know what for, probably voting for games of the year.

I now have 4GB of DDR2 6400 RAM, wih windows vista 64bit

And i now have a wireless adaptor for XBOX Live, and i have already been active on 2 of my 3 games, Forza 2, and Ace Combat 6. I have yet to try Halo3 online.

My xbox live account is BarberHimself, so look out for me

lvl 23

Level 23, super bagman, i reached it after quite a long time, mainly because i was moderated and i lost 50% of my lvl points.

nothing else to say apart from i have an even XBOX360 because my old one (old :p) had one red light and an E65 error, so i exchanged it at the shop where i bought it. It broke withing 4 days which is nice.

My masterplan is complete!

Saturday 29th September 2007 is when i bought my Xbox360 Elite! It cost me £314.99 including 2 games (Forza 2 and BlueDragon) as well as an extra wireless controller. Overall i saved £100, which is a tidy saving.

So far, im am liking Forza, graphics are great, especially the Silverstone race circuit (which i live about 10 miles from), and i love the whole interface and dashboard controls even in game.

My favourite thing about it tho is that i have saved a wadful of cash instead of buying a PS3 (which wouldnt come with games, and there arnt many games i would be interested in), and i have xbox live, which is the best online service apart from using a PC.

All i need to do now is Buy Halo3, maybe GoW, Ace Combat 6 in the future and a few others. Also i might need a play and charge kit, as well as a wireless adaptor and a Gold LIVE subscription

Also, i can watch HD movies using quictime files which is very nice indeed.

So in summary, 800 pounds gets u an Elite, with games, accessories, a 23" Samsung HDTV and plenty of smiles. All i need now is a job, cause i cant eat into my savings forever, and birthdays only come round once a year :P

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