Got a Westinghouse 37" LCD HDTV. Its max resolution is 1080p, so I'm anxiously awaiting the PS3. The Xbox360 looks pretty good on it. at 1080i, Kameo, Perfect Dark Zero, and Call of Duty 2 all look incredibly jagged and rough.Textures all seem to be stretched. Colors are amazing, but thats the only real difference I've seen.
King Kong and Project Gotham 3 Racing have seen the most improvement that I've noticed. King Kong for the 360 is brighter and richer in color. Really good, but having beaten it twice, I'm not sure of how much more replayability it will have.
PGR3, I'm embarassed to say is challenging to me. I'm not sure how to get kudos, and I'm terrible at taking turns. Haven't played much of it online for fear of being pwned. And I'm playing at novice level...yea. I hate racing games...
Perfect Dark Zero is really awkward on gameplay. It's hard to find out where you're supposed to go. Wish they had those markers on all the time. The Magnum gun in the game was a big dissappointment. It's impossible to take on more than one enemy at a time due to slow reload rates.
Kameo was a complete surprise. It's actually fun. Boring at times, cheesy at times, but fun. If you can get past playing as a little fairy, then probably one of the best launch titles you can find.
Call of Duty 2. Great game!! Better on the 360 than the PC. Yea, you heard me, and no, I'm not crazy or an owner of a slow PC. I just like the controller better. As I mentioned, it looks jagged and rough in HD. And for some reason it deleted some of my saves after I got to the end of the game. That's a big minus to me. So, I think I'm going to turning this one in soon.
Haven't played Quake 4 in HD yet. But it can't get any worse. It's a rental at best. Dunno how it is for the PC, I never was a "Quaker." Framerate issues galore, boring guns (I hate sprite guns IE guns that shoot phony little laser balls). The shotgun doesn't seem to be a true shotgun. It shoots fast, and does little damage to stroggs. I like the overall experience a bit better than Doom 3, but I like Doom 3's weapons alot more. Not to mention I really couldn't tell the difference graphically between the games.
Gun....what can I say about Gun....It's, uh. Kinda fun. I'll give it that. But it begs the question as to why this was even brought onto the the 360. I expect next-gen games to atleast look better than the PS2, and this really doesn't cut it.
Anyway, that's my view on the Xbox360 now. I'll do a hardware review soon, detailing my many problems with my last console, I'm on my 2nd now. It works, without scratching my discs without being touched! I was amazed. Gets hot as a slim line PS2 though, which caused my demo of Full Auto to crash, which angered me greatly. I liked that game too.
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