Anyway, before I got hooked on GoWII I finished all the guild quests in Oblivion, I finished the Knights of the Nine quest and I did all but one of the Daedric Shrine quests. Overall, I'm not too fond of any of the guild quests but I loved all the Daedric quests and the KotN. I liked KotN so much, I would have been happy playing an entire game based around the story. Having the vision and speaking to the previous Divine Crusader while you are up in the clouds looking down on Cyrodiil was really impressive. Finding all the wayshires and questing for all the Divine Crusader armor was fun and somewhat challenging, but unfortuneately the story was too short. One thing that really sucked is that during my KotN questing I somehow lost my horse, Shadowmere! Everytime I'd fast travel to a location with an enemy nearby, they would attack my horse. One time an Ogre attacked Shadowmere and the horse didn't get killed but went unconsious. I didn't think it was a big deal so I just went on with my quest. I went into a cave and when I came out Shadowmere was no where to be found. I'd fast travel to a city and I didn't get a message saying my horse was outside. What the heck happened? Has anyone else had trouble losing their horse?
Ok on to God of War II. Man, the game is freakin epic! That pretty much sums it up in one word. The music and the environments are what makes this game what it is. I think I have more fun traveling to new locations more then the combat itself. A definite improvement in that area. And when you're speaking of environments, you have to mention the graphics. Absolutely amazing that this game is running on the PS2. Proves that the PS2 still has some life left in it. The music is just as good as in the original game, if not better, no complaints here. The combat is improved but I feel the game is a lot easier then the first. I'm on normal mode at the moment so I guess I'll have to switch to Titan mode to really try out the combat system. But even then, I remember the original game being plenty difficult even on normal mode. I dunno, maybe I'm just so used to playing GoW on God Mode that normal mode is just easy to me. I've died more doing platforming stuff then just getting my butt kicked by some cyclops or something. Overall the game seems to focus more on platforming then anything. Again, maybe I need to play it on Titan mode, but there seems to be a lot less combat then there is platforming and puzzle solving. I really like the grappling manuevers, and the icarus wings. There's a great sequence of events involving Icarus himself and obatining the wings from him and the level right afterwords is awesome. And the sequence that was shown on On The Spot where you have to swing across a large chasm while bridges and columns are falling over was spectacular.
I'm about 8 hours into GoW II now. I just crossed the Great Chasm after encountering the Titan, Atlas. I can't wait to see the end of the story and unlock all the bonus stuff. All for now, later.