Goodbye vacation, hello Xbox 360
by Gigastormz on Comments
Well, my vacation is officially over :( but it ended with me getting an Xbox 360 on Sunday!:D I will write a longer blog about my initial impressions of the system but it's pretty freakin sweet so far. I picked up the premium edition (or whatever it's called), the one for $399.99 and the 20GB hard drive. I got Ridge Racer 6 (can't have a console launch without Ridge Racer, right?) Dead Rising and Marvel Ultimate Alliance. Ridge Racer 6 was cheap, $19.99 and from the first couple races it's worth about $19.99, no more. Although I'm sure I'll like it once I get into it. R4 is my favorite racing game of all time. Dead Rising is very fun but the survivor escort missions are a huge pain in the ass. Finally I loved Marvel Ultimate Alliance from the second I started playing it (I'm a big comic book geek). Haven't done a whole lot with Xbox live but I love the downloads. I'll write a longer and more detailed blog soon, until then time to play some more 360!