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Most Disappointing Games of 2009

Uncharted 2: Drake's Fortune (PS3) – This game is on many Game of the Year lists this year. While I can see why many people love this game, I do not share the same opinion. At times this game was great, but most of the time it was frustrating. I did not like the Gears of War style cover combat system. I felt like there was way too much combat and not enough Tomb Raider style exploring and puzzle solving. I did not play the first game so I guess I wasn't sure what to expect, but I assumed there would be more platforming and puzzle solving. I was constantly messing around with picking up weapons and grenades because I'd run out of ammo so quickly. Also when I'd want to pick up ammo, often times I'd end up picking up another weapon I did not want instead since it was so close to the ammo on the ground. What happens is that I'd be messing around with what weapons I was carrying (or running out of ammo having to search for some) while I was being shot at constantly. I died around 122 times in this game. Yeah, that is not fun at all. The best part of the game, by far, in my opinion, was the Train "chase" level. That totally felt like a movie (like those commercials claim). To sum up my opinion of this game, "frustrating."

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 – The first MUA is one of the best comic book games ever made, so my hopes were pretty high for this sequel. Unfortunately they decided to base the story on the Marvel Comics Civil War storyline (which I absolutely hate) and Raven didn't make the game this time because they were busy with the lackluster Wolfenstein. Besides the story, the gameplay is actually worse in the sequel. It seems like things were taken out of the game, rather than adding to it. The RPG aspects of the first game were greatly reduced this time around. You have less powers to choose from, and less items to equip. The boss selection is lame (most you have never heard of) and level design is boring at best. The playable characters are also disappointing (the DLC seems to have the best selection). Overall, very disappointing and the only redeeming factor is the co-op.

Scribblenauts – The hype for this game was massive and the simple idea behind the game is extremely innovative. However, the control interface pretty much ruins everything. If you could control your dude with the Dpad instead of the touch screen, that would fix everything. I have more fun just messing around in the start screen, thinking of weird **** to bring to life and seeing what happens when I interact with it.

Brutal Legend – I'm a big metalhead so I thought for sure I'd love this game from the moment I started playing it. I briefly played the demo at PAX and the demo that was released on XBLA before the game came out. I had a lot of fun with the demos, but the full game started disappointing me the moment I finished the demo areas. I honestly had no interest in playing it again and I haven't touched it since. The open world aspect and the RTS stuff is just odd and doesn't mix well with what the first part of the game felt like. I'll go back to it at some point, I'm sure, but not anytime soon…

Dead Space Extraction – I very briefly played this at PAX and then I rented the game and played the first chapter. The graphics suck when compared to the original Dead Space. The rail shooter gameplay basically ruins the vibe Dead Space had going for it. You no longer have that cool interface where there are no menus or HUD on screen and they are just part of your suit. Now you have a big, bright box with your ammo and equipment listed on it and a targeting icon taking up the screen. You also can't stop and look at your surroundings for more than like 10 seconds. Picking up ammo and items becomes a pain in the ass cause you only have, like, 2 seconds as your dude walks by and if you miss picking the item up, you can't go back and get it (since you are on rails and can't control the movement of your character, only the aiming of your weapons). I would be interested in the story and how it plays out, but I dislike the gameplay so much I will probably never play this game again.