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RRW Day 4 Recap

Once again not a whole lot of time for gaming but I did play a few games. I also picked up Spider-Man 2.1, Batman and Batman Returns on DVD at Circuit City for $9.99 each! All of them are 2 disc special editions so it was a great deal. Can't wait for Spidey 3 tomorrow! I took the day off work just to see the movie. I'll also have a lot of extra time for some retro gaming!

Final Fight - Capcom 1990 Arcade

I tried out a bunch of games on the Capcom (lassics Collection volume 1. One of which was Final Fight, probably the most well-known beat-em up out there. I played until I got a Game Over with Haggar. I recorded footage from the first level and part of the second. This game is a lot harder then I remembered. Maybe because I'm used to the SNES version and not the arcade. If you check out the Wikipedia article there is a section on censorship. Apparently there were a bunch of things censored for the US versions of the arcade game and the SNES game. I'm curious if these things were uncensored for the Capcom (lassics Collection...

Final Fantasy Tactics - Squaresoft 1997

I think I'm done with NES and SNES games for Retro Revival Week so I'm jumping into some PSOne games for the rest of the week. This is my second favorite game of all time, right behind Final Fantasy VII. Man, I used to play this game ALL the time when it came out. I know I've put in 300+ hours on it. I maxed out the game clock at 99:99:99 lol I threw in my memory card to see what game saves I had and I found one about 11 hours into the game. I recorded a battle from the main story. I think it was Barius Hill? I was surprised that I'm still good at this game. No one died in the battles I played yesterday. Video will be uploaded later tonight. It turned out to be a pretty good video, you get to see a bunch of different attacks so it's good for someone who has never played the game yet. When you watch it be sure to take note of the screams the enemies make when they die and the sounds of the weapons slashing into their flesh. Ah, the sound of death is music to my ears. I don't know why but I just love their death screams. MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!

I managed to upload the last part of my TMNT IV Co-op session last night as well as the footage from Day 2 of RRW. See below for those vids:




