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RRW - Glitchspot strikes again

As you may already know, this week is Retro Revival Week. This is the first time I've participated in it and the first time I'd heard about it. It's kinda funny cause I was already going to play a retro game this weekend and when a friend of mine told me about it, I said "hey cool, I can record the game session and upload it for RRW!" The rules are to play only retro games for one week, April 29th to May 5th, 2007. The games have to be "retro" games, obviously, and they have to be older then 1999 (I believe). My first entry is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time for SNES (aka the game that should have been put on XBL Arcade). As I said previously, I had already planned to play this game this weekend because I got my GameBridge last week and I wanted to record footage of 2 player co-op on hard mode. So that's what I did. My buddy Matt came over on Sunday and we played the game, all the way through on hard mode. Man, we kinda sucked lol I haven't played this in at least a year. Usually we'll get together and play it on hard mode every once in a while just for fun since TMNT IV is so freakin awesome. We did pretty well up until Slash, then we pretty much went downhill from there. I think it was partially because it wasn't easy being huddled up to a 15.4" widescreen laptop, instead of the 27" TV I would have normally played it on. That and one of my SNES controllers is a piece of garbage.

Anyway, we finished the game in about 28 minutes. Is that good enough for a speed run? I recorded all the gameplay footage as well as the end credits. There will be 10 parts in all, pretty much one for every level. I have about 1.2 gigs of footage to upload! So I went to upload the first part here on GS and it took about a half hour. Everything seemed to be going ok and then I got a PM that said "Video encode failed." I thought WTF?! Then I noticed that other people participating in RRW are having trouble with Glitchspot as well. Sorry I don't have any footage to show you guys yet. I think some of you were looking forward to seeing TMNT IV in all its glory but until Gamespot gets their video upload fixed you're going to have to wait. I was thinking about uploading the vids to Youtube if I have to but does GS allow you to link Youtube vids in your blog??

Last week I got Pokemon Diamond for DS. I bought it on Tuesday and then a friend I don't talk to on a regular basis emailed me out of the blue and mailed me the same game as a belated birthday present. I was able to return the game for store credit at Toys R Us and I used it to buy Valkyrie Profile 2 on PS2. Now I just have to fork over $100 for the first game on PS1. Man, I knew I should have bought that game when I had the chance while I was working at TRU. So I've been pretty addicted to Pokemon and I'm about 17 hours into it now. I don't know if I can avoid playing it for a whole week. Hey, it's kinda retro, right? I mean it's a sequel to a game that came out in 1998 and it's not that different from the original lol My girlfriend has been playing the hell out of Kameo: Elements of Power on the 360. She works at TRU and got it for FREE from the Microsoft rep last week. The game seems pretty cool, except for the fact that the camera is completely broken.