Well, Friday night I finished BioShock and I got the good ending. Now that I've finished the game I can officially say this is a top contender for Game of the Year and right now it gets my vote. I enjoyed the ending a lot more then say, Halo 3's ending, however it was a lot shorter then I expected and the final boss wasn't quite as hard as I thought he'd be. It was still a great end to a fantastic game. I wasn't expecting that huge twist in the middle of the game and I certainly wasn't expecting that Big Daddy part (won't go into detail for those that haven't played BioShock, but for those that have, I think you know what I'm talking about:) ). I got all the achievements except "Seriously Good at This" which is worth 40 points and you get it for finishing the game on hard. I finished it on normal. Thanks to the 960 points from BioShock I am now a member of the 10k club! w00t!
I rented The Darkness from Gamefly and started that on Saturday. I think I'm close to the halfway point now. I just finished "The Hills," where you get the Darkness Guns. The game is pretty cool, but it has its issues. For one, the controls are a bit stiff. Jackie doesn't move/aim as smoothly or quickly as say, Master Chief or Jack from BioShock. I've also found that the Darkness powers are a bit unbalanced. Creeping Dark is extremely powerful and usefull, almost too much so. It kills any enemy in one attack and most of the time the baddies don't even notice it, even when you're coming straight for them. I've found myself using almost nothing but Creeping Dark. The Dark Arm (or whatever it's called) is cool but I mainly use it to put out the lights. It's not very effective against enemies since you have to be like 10 feet from them to kill someone with it. The Darkness Guns are great and have unlimited ammo but require a lot of power. I haven't gotten the Black Hole power yet but I imagine that will be very effective. I've gotten to a point in the game where the regular weapons (handguns, shotgun, submachines guns, etc.) are almost useless. It's like the game forces you to use your Darkness powers, which in turn forces you to shoot out all the lights and that is very boring. It's too bad your powers and guns aren't a little more balanced like BioShock, for example. So far The Darkness is a pretty good game and worth checking out, especially for the lighting effects, story and voice acting.
In other news, Toys R Us is having yet another Buy 2 Get 1 Free sale on all video games. I picked up The Orange Box and Hitman Blood Money on 360 and Jeanne D'Arc on PSP. Haven't tried any of those yet. I will be receiving Dynasty Warriors Gundam this week from Gamefly, look for some impressions on that game soon. That's all for now, have a great week!