Poor control system and an even worse camera IMO. Although you must remember that this was their first foray into the new frontier that was '3D'. Expectations didn't help either - when a game's as big as this series, people expect the best and as has been suggested above, 'Symphony' blew it out the park! :)
Ah. I think I see the problem. I'm only a level 1 user on the forums and the editor requires me to be a level 3 user before I can use it. Nice. Oh well. I'll post it when I get to level 3 I guess. Although how come some developers are opening new threads to show their games?
I must be thick because I can't see the relevant buttons to add links and images to this message. | only wanted to let you know about our new game Flubby World, that was recently released on iOS. Thanks. :)
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