I'm getting so tired of hearing these supposed, alleged PROFESSIONALS gush sycophantic like complete fucking retards over the PS4. No it isn't. NO it is not. It is nothing like being given the worlds best PC. Do you understand that in order for the PS4 to be better than even a 3 year old gaming PC, it would have to have been developed in a DARPA lab in a non-existent town in total secrecy? Do you/they not understand that "the worlds" best gaming PC would be in the thousands of dollars, probably close to 6000 or so? The world's otherwise best PC would be a supercomputer cluster, which is also something you'll find in a lab.
**** this industry so much. This year is going to make me quit, with the combination of pathetic school-children running these companies, shameless customer raping, and rehashes and cod-bros.
@queuing_for_PS4 @Zeronz112 @dalua360 I fully consider this a possibility but you have to face the fact that there is not one single bad Metal Gear game, to date, even including Rising Revengeance. For all of it's obscene eccentricities or failed game mechanics, it was still a good hack and slash, despite being more boss fights than a game. With a track record like that it's hard to expect a failure.
@queuing_for_PS4 Considering he didn't stand alone, at all, the back of the box was horse shit. Oh no I had to fight a couple of Geckos and the BNB and Vamp by myself, what a STRUGGLE. Oh no I had to sneak into Outer Heaven alone and walk through 30000 dwarf gekkos until I found meryl and raiden.
@Midnight_Twelve Or you could play on console and get 3 remastered classics for the price of one. I don't see why any of you would ever buy the handheld release, the console release came with MGS2, MGS3, and Peacewalker.
@Dradeeus Uh no it wasn't. DMC fans raged over the emo resdesign of Dante, and that's irrelevant. Different company, game, situation. That was a char redesign, not a voicelift. If Konami redesigned snake people wouldn't be happy. He has nowhere to go but old/dead now though, unless they work in a magical cure for his genetic degradation and FOXDIE.
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