One more day until Halloween. Who's excited?! I'm not. I'll be sitting inside and handing out candy. Since we have moved to a nicer neighborhood than the last couple of years, I expect quite a few more Trick-o-Treaters. That's good it means less candy for me to snack on.. lol.
My weekend was rather uneventful. I went to a party on Saturday night with some guys I went to college with last year. I walked in with 10 dollars and there was a poker game going on.... So I walked out with 110 dollars. :D Needless to say the guys that were playing wiht about 30-40 dollars in chips were upset that I was somewhat of a ringer. They let me play because they thought they would be able to get me out quickly. I walked out before the game was over and they were all more than happy to see me go as there was still another 150 dollars on the tabel I probably could have taken.
Hmm Do I have anything more to say? Nope so I'll go onto TV that I've watched since we last spoke. Dexter is the only thing worth reviewing.
*****Possible Spoilers*****
Dexter: This show is becoming my favorite of the season. It's definitely my favorite thing not on broadcast tv. It's a show worthy of HBO a few years ago. It's dark and light all at once. It's a good show. Michael C. Hall is amazing. The book is different but the show definitely gets themes of the books while going off on its own tangents. I think it's cool that they develop other characters while dealing with Dexter. I can't wait to see where it's going. The Castillo kill was my favorite of the season. It was strange to see Dexter not chop up a victim and to leave everything in tact...
***** End Spoilers*****
Congratulations to xblvr, mtjaws, Bluvs, and Flyinghelfish for all figuring out the code from Friday's teaser was 74658.
Today's Teaser Time!: (Alliterations are fun)
During a visit to a mental asylum, a visitor asked the Director
what the criteria is that defines if a patient should be
"Well," said the Director, "we fill up a bathtub. Then we offer a
teaspoon, a teacup, and a bucket to the patient and ask the
patient to empty the bathtub."
Okay, here's your test:
1. Would you use the spoon?
2. Would you use the teacup?
3. Would you use the bucket?
"Oh, I understand," said the visitor. "A normal person would
choose the bucket, as it is larger than the spoon."
What was the director's response?
I would add more to make up but I thnk this one is fun and long enough to be on it's own, but you have my promise that tommorow I shall give you two smaller trivia bits!
Leave your comments and send your answers in a Private Message.
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