Hmm so I actually have something to talk about.
Read This!
It's ridiculous. Orwell was right, Big Brother is coming. I'm sorry but why can't the students use a 6 digit number rather than their fingerprints? This is how we identify criminals, I'm not entirely sure I'm comfortable with the government finger printing our kids just to serve them food. It's just too creepy.
Okay, so on to more fun topics.. I'm still Disco Stu. I have some pending subs to a new show. There is an editor, but it looks like all the editor has done is add the episodes to the guide. They don't seem interested in adding quotes, and summaries, so hopefully I can take the guide. It's an interview show called Iconoclasts. It runs on the Sundance Channel. They get lots of big stars it's pretty cool. Tarantino is going to be on there soon. I haven't watched most of this season.
So let's see, I don't really have anything else to talk about right now. So we shall go on to the ever popular part of my blog where I talk about TV!
On last night was The Simpsons, American Dad, Family Guy, and The War at Home, and Dexter
*****Possible Spoilers*****
Simpsons: The Treehouse of Horrors was rather boring this year. Haven’t they already done the everyone becomes their costume? If they haven’t someone else has and it was rather boring. The Homer becomes a blob was boring. I’m sure there was another one, but I can’t think of it off the top of my head… The show is so far past it’s prime. It’s sad, and at least Matt Groening realizes that.. How do I know that you say? He’s making a movie, which he has been quoted in interviews as saying he wouldn’t make a movie until the show was over.
AD: Well that reminds me of Arrested Development and that makes me sad… But on to the show. Hilarious. The gay Republicans… Stan’s complete obliviousness finally shattered about his neighbor’s relationship. There wasn’t really any Haley in the episode, and I don’t really care. It was fun. It was a good episode. “Being Gay isn’t a choice, but you know what is being a choice? Being a Democrat!” That was a great line.
FG: Good time episode. No meg speaking lines, I don’t really care, It doesn’t bother me much. The army episode was pretty funny. Brian and Stewie shoot each other in the foot and they still didn’t get out. The rock band was pretty cool, and Marilyn Manson was hilarious. That’s all I have to say.. Not a very eventful episode.
W@H: It was good episode. Seth MacFarlane was great. I’m pretty sure they’ve done the whole Vicky smoking thing. It was still a good episode. I liked quite a few things about this episode. It was just funny. When Mike smacked Larry it was hilarious. Larry didn’t have any cut scenes last night that I can recall which is sad because his are usually pretty funny.
Dex: Good episode, Great show. I liked the tension of this episode. Jesus saved the Cubans. LaGuerta got attached and then was heartbroken when he was taken away. It was pretty cool. I liked how careful Dex was to not be seen by the boy. I think the Paul development should be interesting. It’ll give them something to deal with while waiting for the Ice Truck Killer. The Dream sequence last night was awesome…. That’s all I have to say tonight.
*****End Spoilers*****
Congratulations to xblvr, FlyingHellfish, and Glenn11523 for getting the teaser answer correct.
The answer: Flip both timers over at the same time, when the 7 minute timer expires flip it over again. When the 11 minute timer expires, flip the 7 minute timer back over again, because there will be 4 minutes drained into the bottom of the 7 minute timer when the 11 minute timer runs out. 4+11=15.
More than one person pointed out that this was similar to a teaser in Die Hard 3... I have never actually seen this movie but perhaps for fun after a few weeks, I will give that to you guys as the teaser!
Now for the part you’ve all been waiting for!
Today’s Teaser:
You have a rare disease, but luckily it is easy to treat. All you have to do is take one tablet of Pill A and one tablet of Pill B daily. You must take one of each, and not more and not less, or there are very bad side effects.
Taking one without the other can be very serious, because they must be taken together in order to be effective. So you must take exactly one Pill A and one Pill B at the same time.
One morning you open up the bottle and tap out a Pill A. You put that bottle aside and you open the Pill B bottle. You do the same, but by mistake, two Pill B’s fall into your hand with the Pill A.
Now, here's the problem. You weren't watching your hand as the pills fell into it, and you can't tell the pills apart. The pills look identical. They are both the same size, same weight (10 micrograms), same color (Blue), same shape (perfect square), same everything, and they are not marked differently in any way.
What are you going to do? You cannot tell which pill is which, and they cost $300 a piece, so you cannot afford to throw them away and start over again. How do you get your daily dose of exactly one Pill A and exactly one Pill B without wasting any of the pills?
Send me your answer in a PM and leave comments!
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