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Darn you Joss Whedon!

I am officially a Whedonhead or whatever fans of Whedon call themselves.. because Whedonhead is far far too creepy.

About two months ago, I watched the entire series of Firefly in about 2 1/2 weeks while going to school and working... It was that addicting.. I loved it, and I then watched the movie when I found a 2 hour block.. Again amazing! I have recently started watching Buffy again.. I watched most of the series when it originally aired, minus the episodes after it moved to UPN. Everyone remember UPN? Man that was a while ago... lol. Buffy is quite amazing, I really had forgotten that. I mean it was just a greatshow.. I'm glad I got the idea to rewatch it...

and I suppose once I get to the point in the show where Angel spins off on his own I'll start to work on that show.. It's just ridiculous how amazing these shows can be.. I mean I kind of figured I wouldn't like them now that I have quote unquote grown up but amazingly I think I love them more.. I'm currently on the 3rd season of Buffy.

I don't know if any of you have ever heard (read seen) me refer to myself as a "comic book nerd who doesn't read comics" but I have really gotten into comics as of late. I've read almost all of Ultimate Spiderman.. I've read everything that has been published in book form, I have read almost all of Ultimate X-men I'm missing couple of books.. I started on the new Blue Beetle last night, and I recently read Identity Crisis which is a great book. So now that I have proved my full decension in to nerdness.. I'll stop!

I need to make a recommendation of a book that I am reading right now. This is for everyone who enjoys superheroes in any form. It is a book called Devil's Cape. It's set in a fictional city across the lake from New Orleans (which is where I am currently residing) but in this universe superheros and villians exist and in fact have played a role in history creating their own cities. It's pretty awesome so far, and I think everyone should pick up a copy if they get chance.